I chuckled and shook my head. "Are you alright at least? You aren't hurt are you?" She shook her head. "Nope, I'm fine! I am a bit hungry, though." Sasha replied with a sheepish smile.

We all chuckled at her comment before Hange spoke up again. “Hey, where’s shorty?” I looked towards her with a raised brow before I realized she was talking about Levi. 

“He was in the back. He should still be there--” Levi cleared his throat, cutting me off and startling me as he did so. “I’m right here.” That was all he said as he leaned himself against one of the thick metal walls.

With that, I decided to focus on getting back to base. Returning to the wheel, I pushed it forward and continued on towards home.


I parked the sub above the base and turned off the engine. "Alright, make sure you have everything you need and let's get going," I said, putting on my helmet on. I checked my pack for everything before walking down to the hatch at the end of the cyclops.

I opened the hatch and one by one, everyone climbed out and began swimming towards the base's entrance. Shutting the hatch, I swam back to the base following Levi's trail. Levi held the hatch open for me and I climbed in, quickly thanking him. I then removed my helmet as he gave me a quick nod and removed his own.

He walked off and I followed alongside him and the others to give Armin the materials to organize. Once everyone gave Armin their packs, I grabbed onto both Hange and Levi. "We need to talk. Hange, can you grab Erwin and meet us in the Meeting room?" I asked, making sure they heard the importance lacing my voice.

She nodded her head and walked off to find Erwin, leaving Levi and me to head to the Meeting room and wait for them. As we walked in and sat down, I placed my PDA into the slot on the table and waited.

Levi sat in his chair and looked like he was spacing out which seemed out of character for the stoic male. I raised a brow and cleared my throat.

"Levi?" He didn't budge, so I tried again. "Levi~?" I said, drawing out the last letter of his name.

Still nothing.

"Levi!" I shouted, snapping my fingers in his face. He shook his head and looked at me with furrowed brows, slightly offended. "What, brat?"

I stared at him for a moment. "Are you alright? You don't normally space out like that."

"What makes you say that?" He asked, crossing his arms in an irritated manner.

I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest. "Because I can normally clear my throat or say your name just once and you'll actually acknowledge me. I had to call your name three times, clear my throat, and snap my fingers in your face to get your attention. So do you want to tell me what's going on?"

He sat there in silence as if contemplating on actually spilling out his worries, but he shook his head. "I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about, so mind your own business." With an unconvinced look, I began to speak up before the sound of the door opening and footsteps following it reached my ears.

"Sorry for the delay. Jeager and Kirschtein got into an argument again." Erwin stated with a sigh before he shut the door and sat down with Hange taking a seat as well.

I stood and tinted the windows before sitting back down. "It's fine. We were just waiting. You can go ahead and begin talking about what our progress is so far here at base, Erwin. Then I'll start with my report." Once we all got settled, Erwin began with his report on our progress.

Survive For Me (Subnautica/AOT Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें