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" I couldn't hold my tears as  the woman in front me was told me how my mother died.

" She hugged me and I cried my eyes out on her shoulder while she pet my back gently.

" After some minutes I cleaned my eyes and ask how did she know all this.

" Kim dear!Am Felicia , after your mum's burial ,  your dad's mum send me out of the house thinking I might exposed their secret  even if I didn't want to leave you alone.

" She  gave me 2.5millon Naira and told me she never wants to see me again.

" I invest the money into business and it blossom for me,  I didn't leave you alone for a  second ,  I have informant  who informed me about  you and I heard from them that  your father named you Kim because you look like your mother.

"Dayo mum's  forcefully let him marry Kemi against his will saying who is going to take care of you.

" Your dad didn't acknowledge kemi as his wife or have sex with her because he  loves your mother very much and it always lead to disagreements between him and Kemi.

" Kemi take care of you as her own daughter just to gain your father love but all her efforts are just in vain because your dad love for your mother never crease.

" Just because of this Kemi makes a suggestion that you guys should move out of Dayo's parent house that maybe because that is the place where Kim died that is why he didn't want to open  his heart to her.

" Your mum's dad didn't want to agree at first but kemi threatened her that she will expose her secret that's why she agreed for you guys to evacuate from the house even if she was not happy with it.

" After so many years,  your father only shows love to Kemi because of you,  he didn't want you to suspect she is not your mother that's why you think their love is genuine.

" I was at home one evening when my informant called me that Kemi and Dayo are in a heated argument and she as stabbed  dayo  .

" I was very afraid because I knew Kemi to be a hot tempered person and she can. do anything when she is angry that's why I quickly drove out to rescue you.

" I wasn't myself  when driving that's why I hit you  but thank God you are safe stated Felicia.

" Why didn't you report those criminals to the police and why didn't you tell my dad that granny killed my mum said Kim admist tears.

" Dear I swear I want to tell your dad but kemi and your dad's mum threaten me that if I tell Dayo or report this case to the police they are going to kill you and I  can't afford to lose you after losing your mother that's why I kept mute Said Felicia with hot tears streaming down her eyes.

" No wonder anytime I visit grandma she normally says am sorry and I usually tell her she didn't offend me but she will just say I should forgive her said Kim wiping the tears streaming down her eyes with her palm.


" I was still crying after miss Felicia told me how my mum died when the door suddenly opened we both looked back and we are surprised to see my dad assisted with two men.

" Dad!!! I said admist tears and run up to him and hug him tightly saying admist tears I thought you are dead Dad, thanks for been alive for me.



Stay Tuned For The Final Episode...........

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