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" Mr Dayo how are you feeling now said the doctor examining me with his stethoscope  .

" If you feel any headache or pain anywhere don't hesitate to tell me he said and face my mum while I rest my back with a pillow on the hospital bed.

" Madam is just a little memorabilia in the brain nothing much , we will admit him here for a week to see if there is no any complications he said and left.

" Dayo se o fe pa mi ni (did you want to kill me ) said my mum.

" I didn't bother to reply my mum because I was engrossed in my own thoughts.

" Dayo!!! My mom called my name with fear thinking have passed out since I didn't reply her.

" Am fine mum! Just leave me alone I snapped at her.

" My mum always knows when am angry , I know why you are acting like this Dayo,  if you don't want to come home with me no problem but please stop giving me attitude my mum said and sat beside me on the bed and hug me.

" I rest my head on her chest while she pet my back.


" I was back to school, my mum thought I was giving her attitude because she said am coming home with her so she decided to leave me and went back home alone.

" During  my one week stay in the hospital Kim and Bolaji always check up on me.

" They didn't make me feel bored, Kim brought the food I ate throughout my stay in the hospital with me.

"We gist , laugh,  play together and along the line we confessed our love for each other and I officially ask her to be my girlfriend.

" She gladly said yes the next day  and I was the happiest man on earth. I told Kim about Kemi and how she hit me with a bottle, she was so surprised, she said I never believed she can do such thing to you, I smiled and said am glad I have you and draw her closer to me and bend my head to kiss her like my whole life depends on it.

" I didn't hear or came across Kemi,  I guess she is avoiding me because of what she did and I didn't bother to think or ask about her from anyone.

" My love for Kim grew stronger everyday and it wasn't long for the news to spread all over the school that my new girlfriend was Kim.

" What surprise most of the students was that I stop my Lothario behavior and it was the topic of the school for sometimes.


" I was afraid to show my face to Dayo when I heard he is alive and back to school.

" What break my heart most is that he is now dating that shameless girl and people were surprised to know we are just mere friend.

" I didn't attend lecture like before because am so ashamed to face the whole school and Dayo. I only go to class when  Dayo don't attend, it was Cynthia that normally stand for me in the class I don't attend.

" I was in my room  laying on my bed watching a Korean movie on my laptop when Cynthia came in.

" Kemi you won't believe what happened in campus today she said changing her clothes.

" Cynthia am not ready to hear any news concerning  Dayo and Kim relationship , please don't spoil my mood this afternoon I said and face my laptop when she drops the bomb shell.

" Dayo propose to Kim in front of the whole school today,  it was so romantic Kemi if you see the way people are blushing and wishing their relationship is like theirs said Cynthia.

" What!  I said and quickly sat up, you mean my own Dayo propose to that foolish girl I said and angrily and quickly stand on my feet walking towards the door.

" Cynthia stand in front of me and said where did you think you are going she asked blocking the door with her back.

" Cynthia that foolish girl have bewitched my Dayo and I need to go and teach her a lesson I said with mixed feelings (angry and crying ).

" Kemi try to calm yourself down, you will just hurt yourself by confronting her said Cynthia.

" Cynthia you know me very well and you know I can do anything when am angry, please go away from the door  because I won't hesitate to stab you if you don't move out of my way.

" Cynthia quickly moved away from the door and allow me to go out she only murmured stupid girl and walked out on me.

" I didn't care if she is mad at  me right now,  I went out and head to Kim hostel and I was surprised to meet Dayo cuddling her in front of the hostel.

" They both looked at me like I don't exist and continue playing their lovey dovey.

" I tried to control my anger but it seems it over powered me,  I walked towards them and raised my hand to slap Kim when Dayo hold my hand.

" Don't you dare try it he said and gave me a hot slap which make me staggered back.

" Dayo! I said holding my cheek with my hand with hot tears streaming down my eyes.

" If you dare call my name again I won't hesitate to slap you again he said angrily.

" I so much pity your future husband because he is unfortunate to have you as his wife.

" Fine! you are angry and you hit me with a bottle but you didn't bother to rescue me or call for help,  you left me there to die just like that and you are now coming now to slap my fiance.

" I thanked my stars I didn't love a murderer like you,  you are a devil in human clothing and to tell you the fact I hate you more than I hate my shit, you are so disgusting that I find it hard to look at you .

" He hold Kim hand and said baby let's go, he looked at me once again and said you haven't seen anything we will call you for our wedding very soon and let's see what you gonna do he said and they both walked out on me.

" I sat on the floor not minding those who came outside of  their room to witness the incident.

" I screamed and cried out like I just lost my child,  I looked up with my eyes red shot  and said Dayo you are mine I don't care if I have to kill many people to make you mine and passed out on the floor.


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