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EPISODE 14 $ 15



" I and Kemi become best of friend even if Dayo doesn't like it, he warned me to always be careful of her anytime he has the chance.

" My baby bump is now bigger and visible,  my mother in-law doesn't threatened me again since her accomplice is now my friend although she doesn't respond to my greeting anytime I greet her but I don't care.

" Kemi and i went for shopping to buy my baby clothes and some things I will need during labor, I bought lots of dresses so I can start wearing short dress once I gave birth.

" Kim I hope you won't get pregnant within three months with this dress you are picking said Kemi teasingly.

" I smiled and spanked her playfully on her ass . She gave me a hard stare and I know what she is about to do so I took to my heels while she keeps screaming be careful Kim! running after me with the bags of dresses we bought.

" We sat at a nearby restaurant to eat before going home when a call came through my phone, I quickly opened my bag and bought my phone out.

" I checked the caller and it was my choice, I smiled before I picked it.

" Hello sweetheart he said on the other line.

" Hi baby I said and winks to Kemi who was busy eating jollof rice and salad.

" I missed your voice  that's why I called you said Dayo.

" Awwwwn thanks darling , how is your day going I asked.

" Am Fine since have heard your voice he said and I laughed.

" Where are you he asked and I told him me and Kemi went to do some shopping.

" I hope you are guys are not stressing my princess said Dayo.

" What did you mean I said forming angry, so you mean I can stress myself right?

" Kim! He stressed out my name and said okay am sorry but you know I love you, am just indirectly asking you if you don't stressed yourself said Dayo.

" I smiled and said OK darling see you at home and hang up because I know he is just trying to buy my time.

" Kemi!  You are such a foodie, can't you wait for me I said.

" Babe am very hungry and I see you are already filled with the way you are speaking with your hubby she said in between food in her mouth.

" I laughed and said playfully you better go and marry ,don't you know you are not getting any younger.

" Kemi suddenly bow down her head and I quickly called her name, she looked up and I was surprised to see tears swollen in her eyes.


" I will never love or marry anybody, I belong to Dayo and if I can't be his wife I will rather be single I thought to myself.

" Kemi I hope I haven't said anything bad said Kim looking concerned.

" I quickly composed myself and faked a smile,  I  just thought of my boyfriend who is in US I said.

" So sorry dear said Kim and start eating her food.

" I looked at her and thought  how I wish you know how much I love Dayo, you would have leave him for me .

(9 month's later)

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