"Laura! It tastes so good!" Rianna exclaimed in excitement.

We had seen EXO eating this on EXO Showtime and have always wanted to try it here in Korea. Even though it was literally a potato kebab - a fancy potato with a stick through it, it did look really good.

"Here, try!" Asma offered hers to me.

I shook my head "I don't care, what are you doing here?!"

Rianna offered hers too, clearly avoiding my question "Haven't you tried it yet? It's so good!"

Instead, they dragged me away from the boys to the stall that was selling the tornado potato.

"One more, jebal!" Rianna asked the potato man and he gladly made one for me. I took it and paid him.

"Laura, you know you ruined the whole surprise."

"Bruh, what?"

"We came here a few days ago and were going to surprise you next Monday."

"What were you going to do over the weekend until then? Secretly go on dates with Jungkook and Taehyung without even telling me?" I joked.

They didn't say anything back. I raised an eyebrow. Okay, they clearly have already been getting uber close with them.
"I knew it! I thought you two were supposed to come in like 2 weeks...what happened to the end of summer???"

"We decided to surprise you, and the boys invited us." Asma said looking over at Tae and Jungkook who were now eating with Jimin.

I needed to tell them about Jimin.
"Guys, he confessed to me last night."


I nodded excitedly and we all held hands.
"Seriously, I'm so happy...he actually really likes me...heck, he said he loved me."

Their mouths dropped.
"Aw, that's so sweet!" Asma said, squeezing my hand.

"Have you touched Jimin's abs yet?"

I gave Rianna the deadest of looks "No."

"Well, not for long." She winked.

Jimin's POV

"Are you guys...together?" I asked the boys, even though judging by how they were acting around these girls they probably were. It was weird, we've all not really been with anyone since pre-debut but all of a sudden it's like we've all found our perfect matches in the small space of a few weeks.

They looked at each other and smiled, Jungkook was blushing badly. I take it they were definitely more than friends.

"Awhh Jung-kookie!" I pinched his cheeks but he pushed me off.

"Have you got Laura noona to fall for you yet?"

I glanced over at the girls and then back "Yeah...I kind of confessed."

They cheered for me which drew a lot of attention towards us, earning us weird looks from people walking by.

Taehyung patted me on the back "I'm proud of you hyung, we gotta go on a triple date sometime."

"Yah! You guys are already dating?!"

Jungkook blushed again "No time like the present. We really like them, ever since the first day we spoke to them we clicked. It's like Asma was made for Taehyung...and Rianna" he glanced over at her and smiled.
It was a completely loving smile, warm on his face.
He didn't even finish his sentence he was too busy staring at her.

"Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook!" I shook him, awakening him from his daydream.

"Uh yeah...besides, they're only here for a few more weeks hyung."

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