"They heal wounds?" Jason blurted it out. "What about illnesses as well?"

Yes, they had a healer who could fix broken bones or heal colds. Scarlett glanced at Greyson, who wore a smirk, because that healer was Emma.

"Would that healer at least help when things get really bad that Melany or Cindy can't handle?" Jason urged.

"If the healer wishes," Greyson chimed in.

Jason stared suspiciously at Greyson before looking back at Emma. Scarlett doubted that he had caught on that Emma could be the healer because she didn't seem to be one.

"Can we get their name?" Jason asked.

"No! I mean, she doesn't like the attention her power gets," Emma panicked, shaking her head repeatedly.

Scarlett watched Greyson stand and walk to Emma, who looked over at him. He set a hand on her head, making her widen her eyes.

"Emma is just quite protective of her friend," Greyson stated.

Emma looked down at her feet, nodding her head. He took his hand away and looked at them all. Scarlett knew there was nothing else to say because Simcoe just needed the overview.

"I'll send people for the daycare and grocery shoppers. See you around," Greyson said.

They travelled out of the two-story building where the convertible was waiting out front, along with a few people on the sidewalk.

Scarlett saw Henry and the two other guys he was with this morning. They were easy targets that would fall right into Greyson's hands.

As she climbed into the front seat, Greyson slammed the door and turned back to them. "Those are just deals, not our intentions," he stated, driving back to Uden.

"Some of their faces during the presentation were amusing," Luke laughed.

"We'll try and put up with half the bargain," Greyson groaned, tapping his fingers on the wheel.

They reached the academy and travelled out, but Greyson stopped Scarlett in her tracks. She knew it was something important that he didn't want to ask the others about.

"Can you search the filing room for Heather Harp? There should be loads of information gathered in documents. Her being Jason's mother doesn't sit right," Greyson urged.

Scarlett curled her lip in a grin as they both walked to the large school. Some students rushed over to Greyson when he came back, explaining what he wanted them to do. If Scarlett knew Greyson, it would be to change the rules.

She opened the large black doors and went down the front office hallway. The gym was open, and some people were sitting in groups, being watched by Oscar and Lucy.

Greyson demanded that he have most of Uden wait in the gym. Scarlett knew she'd be going to that meeting after she found that file. She wasn't exactly sure what he wanted with Heather Harp. All she knew was that she was the counsellor that she'd been forced to see.

Scarlett walked through the already-open file room. The wooden desk that once held items was now on the floor. There were many filing cabinets labelled both for students and faculty. She opened the black faculty cabinet with files, searching through last names until she spotted the last name, Harp.

"Now, what are you doing? Finding the list of teachers you've manipulated?" Luke commented with a snarl.

"Doing a task for Greyson. Aren't you supposed to be helping him?" Scarlett snarked, turning to look back at the boy.

"Oscar and Preston are helping him round up the students. So why not use the opportunity?" He snickered.

Scarlett turned back and searched the files, pulling out the woman's file. She sat down at the wooden desk in the black office chair, looking through some health records.

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