Am I falling for you? ( 5/28/21)

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⚠️⚠️ warning this chapter gets a bit violent⚠️⚠️⚠️ but there is a bit of fluff at the end!

Levi pov)

After being sick for the past two days, and bushy brow taking care of me. I was finally well enough to go back to school. I've come to realize during the time bushy brow was taking care of me that I might be developing feelings for him, I don't want to admit it, but when he was taking care of me my heartfelt happiness. I'm not used to these feelings, so I can't say for sure if that's what these feelings are, maybe I'll ask Isabel or maybe Hanji later.

"Hey, Levi you ready to go?" Bushy brow came rushing down the stairs "yes" I nodded, I was still wearing bushy brows clothing because of me staying here for the past few nights, embarrassing but there is nothing I can do about it till I go back to the underground with Isabel and farlan.  Bushy brow shoved a piece of freshly cooked toast into my mouth, then he pushed me out the door, and we hopped into his truck, he took off to school in a hurry.

"I got a football game today, you wanna come
Watch me?" Bushy brow suddenly asked out of nowhere "since when did you play football?" I asked confused, I've never heard him talk about it. "I've played since forever ago, you gonna come cheer me on?"

I think my face heated up a bit from his smile, to hide it I covered my face with my sleeve "why do you want me
To watch you? Can't Hanji watch you?"  "Well yeah, but I wanted to invite you, I thought we had grown close enough over the past few days, was I wrong?" "well no, but I wasn't expecting you to even ask me" I admitted I felt happy he had asked but I was never gonna let him know that, as for me coming to cheer him on "I guess I can go" bushy brow slammed on his brake, his truck suddenly stopping, he then turned to me, and cupped my hands sending heat to my cheeks with his fricken smile. "Thank you, Levi!"

I nodded, once he released my hands we got out of his truck, and walked into the school, "hey Erwin! What took you so long?" Hanji asked "Levi was sick a few days ago, so I have been taking care of him and woke up late today" Hanji nodded understanding, then when bushy brow wasn't looking she flashed me a smug smile, I gave her a confused look in response to her strange action.

"Wait bushy brow what time does your game start?" I asked before we walked into our first class.  "It's right after school" I nodded, and we sat down as the lecture began, I admit this is the first time I've zoned out in class, all I could think about was if I am gaining feelings for him.  We have known each other for a long time now, and we have been through a lot together, but I've never felt this way toward someone before, so I can't confirm it yet. 

As I was thinking I felt a sudden threatening gaze on me,  I turned around, and it was Hanji but her stare didn't feel dangerous, I gave her a confused look, and she only smirks wiggling her eyebrows up, and down over, and over again.

Is she okay? Or is she doing drugs? Either way, she is weirding me out. I looked away from her, and had that dangerous feeling come back, I looked around the room and saw a girl sitting in the back from me giving me a death glare.  The fuck is her problem, I rolled my eyes, and focused on the lesson.

(Time skip to end of the school still Levi pov)

Today was weird that girl wouldn't stop glaring at me all day, I've never noticed her before, but Jesus I wanted to flip her off.

I looked at the time on my phone and started to run over to the bleachers, I found a spot in front so I could see bushy brows that's when people started to pour into the bleachers.  I hate crowds, I was taken out of my thoughts when bushy brow and his team gathered into the field chanting and yelling.  When bushy brow spotted me he waved and gave a big smile. I waved back, and he looked pleased.  After a few more minutes the game began.

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