A look into levi past 4/6/21

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Erwin pov)

Once I entered I looked down at my arms Levi was unconscious I looked around the room. It was okay nothing like my house, their wallpaper was peeling and there were cabinets barely staying on their hinges the couch has holes in it, it seems old. After examining the room I went over to the couch a laid Levi on it. How!? How did this happen!?" The young girl with red hair asked, I closed my eyes for a min then looked at her.

"I don't know....." the young girl grabbed my collar " HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW!?" I could easily see she was upset her hands were shaking whether if it was all rage or not I couldn't tell. "I was passing by with her.....I heard him call for me I ran to him and I found him roughed up that's all I know." She released me and that's when Levi opens his eyes

"LEVI - ANIKI!! You're awake! " The redhead ran and squeezed herself onto Levi, Levi visibly winces in pain

" Isabel? Farlan? Bushy brows? fore eyes?" I face Palms he knows my name yet he never says it.

Levi suddenly started to cough "Levi-aniki!?" The red named Isabel began to shout "he needs a doctor I can bring him to a hospital" I spoke up

"N-No don't,  just call the underground doc" Levi retaliate "but Levi" farlan was glared at with Levi's silver eyes "I could be taken back to Japan if you do" we all looked at each other shocked "what do you mean?"
Hanji asked "I was smuggled in from Japan, if they find out I could be deported" Levi began to cough again " you were smuggled?" Isabel asked Levi nodded he attempted to sit up but was into much pain  " I'm about to share something very important if any of you say anything I'll kill you my self family or not" everyone nodded "before I came here I lived in Japan... I didn't always live in the underground I was almost what you would call well off but that was before my parent's accident...." Isabel grabbed Levi hand squeezing it gently " they were killed in a car accident the accident was so bad that both sides didn't make it, after that I lost my home and was forced to live on the streets a man took me in and taught me how to survive down here when we were brought he disappeared" no one made a sound "that must have been hard" Isabel spoke up Levi only nodded in response.......

"Sigh okay I still think you should go to the hospital Levi...  and if they start to act suspicious I'll just say your a friend visiting from Japan" everyone looked at me "I would rather not see you die Levi" I added he nodded "it should work"

"Then let's go"

"But wait how are we going to cover up his beat down and his starving appearance ?"

"Leave it to me," Hanji said

When we arrived at the hospital they rushed Levi in getting him a water dropper while they took care of his wound it felt like hours. They finally let us in, he had only minor injuries his ribs were cracked and almost piercing his lung and a slight split head in the back. We all felt better knowing he was okay. No question was asked about him he was fed along with us he would be going home within a week if he gained some more weight

"That was too close Levi...." I mumbled

We walked into his room I sat next to him in a chair on his right "how do you feel?" He looked at me I could almost swear he had a small smile on his face" better thanks." I sighed in relief "that's good to hear!"

It was a small but happy moment for everyone I think, who would of known that Levi would soon feel comfortable enough to open up about his life, looks like I'm making progress.....

(thank you so much for reading 692 words in counting)

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