Sick in bed ( 5/22/21

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Levi pov)

I stormed out of the house as fast as I could, I didn't want to get into a fight with Farlan, he wasn't thinking right. How was it my fault that we all got caught? The plan was going fine till Isabel knocked the bucket over...

Maybe I need to get a second job? I can go back to pickpocketing, I have never been caught while doing it, so sounds like a plan to me!

I looked up at the dark sky, the stars were out and shining bright. I used to be comfortable on the street but since I moved in with Isabel and farlan, it's been different.

I walked around for a while trying to find a place close to the school, and not in a bad area. I checked my boots "good knives are still there" for some reason I had a weird feeling something bad could happen.

I turned the corner of an ally and saw a group of thugs standing there. "1,2,3,4.... a group of four easy"

No reason to worry I've fought bigger groups before, so I'm well prepared if anything were to happen.

I carefully walked past the ally "Hey?! Where you think your going small fry?" Of course, why do I always get into these situations? I stopped walking and turned to them "hmm?" They walked over to me, wonderful.

"Got any money on you?" I shook my head no, I didn't have any money on me, and I'm not sure why they would think I would give it to them?

"Got a smoke on you? A watch? Phone? Necklace?"

Necklace!? I didn't react to them I shook my head again, hoping they would believe me.

"Your shit poor? How do you have nice-looking clothes? Got a friend who buys it for you? Mind introducing us to them?" They started to cackle, like hell I would involve bushy brow. "No these clothes are pretty old I don't even have a house." I lied they seemed to believe me and nodded "All alright well later than" what a strange interaction? They look like thugs and act like ones. I'm
Just gonna take my chance and leave.

I walked away and that whole night my mind went back to me killing to survive, the memories of their eyes fading away, and hearing them take their last breath filled my head; causing me a headache, I held my head, it then began to pour. "Wonderful, just what I need my clothes to become soaking wet" I growled irritated with my headache, and the rain.

I continue my walk along the sidewalk next to the road.

(Prepare for a lot of fluff!!!)

Erwin pov)

I was on my way home after picking up some groceries when I spotted Levi walking the sidewalk, he was holding his head like it was painful. I went into the lane closer to him and stopped, the truck, rolled down the window closer to Levi. "Get in" I demanded he looked at me and nodded. Once he was in the car we took off, I took note of his condition, he was soaked to the bone and had a pale face. Once we arrived at my house we got out of the car, and I grabbed my groceries. We headed inside Levi didn't take a seat. He stood still with a blank expression. I ran up the stairs, and i went into my room looking for a change of clothes he could use.

I found a white sweater, and black baggy sweat pants, I came back from downstairs, he didn't move an inch.  I walked up to him and looked into his eyes, they looked grey, and dead.  I gently placed my hand on his shoulder "hey Levi? I got a change of clothes for you, why don't you go take a shower and change?"  He nodded taking the clothes, I lead him to the bathroom, and left him to himself.

" I wonder what has gotten into him?"

It was a few minutes later, and he came down the stairs, his hair was still wet, and he had a towel wrapped around his neck, it was probably to stop the water drips from getting down his sweater.  "Thanks, bushy brow" he seems to be feeling a little better, I walked over to him, and grabbed the towel from his neck, and laid it on his head, drying it off with fast movements of the towel. I couldn't see his face but I think he was okay with me doing this, he didn't move away from my hands, so I think he is starting to open up a bit more.

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