The underground 2/16/21

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Hello guys I am writing a new story I have been getting a little inspiration lately so yeah, also I have only watched season one of attack on Titan so please don't spoil it also when Levi talks like this " what do you want" it means he is speaking in Japanese ———————————————————————————


The underground is a dark and scary place.... No one can trust others and most of the time people go missing, the Underground has next to nothing but poor people who would die of starvation, it is a terrible place to be in.

But before our young Levi was thrown into it, he was different. He did smile and laugh, like all children he was happy! Even when he was with his parents; Levi was young but smart, he was okay around other children but amazing when he was with the people he loved.

This happy child that Levi once was changed one day when he was off to school, his parents were out on an errand. Levi thought it was going to be like any other day: go to school, play, wait to be picked up, go home and eat then bed, and it would start all Over again. But sadly that wasn't the case, while his parents were out they collided with another car, glass breaking so severely that it was hard to find big pieces; the car smashed so hard that it would be trash it couldn't be used anymore.

The accident was so bad that neither ends of the victims could survive. Just as Levi day was finishing up, and he was waiting for his parents to come to pick him up, he was left with sad news.

He had no parents to return to, after a year of this tragedy Levi at the age of 13 got an eviction notice on his door.

Levi didn't have anything but his old clothes and a white jade eagle necklace, the eagle takes it off in the pendent every time Levi looks at it.

It makes him feel like he wants to be free and fly, this necklace left to him by his mother. As he gathered as much food they had on their fridge and whatever clothes he could fit in his homemade bag, he left. A few weeks into living on the streets, Levi thinned down a lot.

The food he had gathered was gone as well, so he resorted to stealing, his first attempt was at a bread shop his plan was not a good one seeing how it was his first time being a thief.

But as he waited for the owner to be distracted by a customer, he took his chance and yanked a loaf, running out of the store with the little energy he had left on his legs.

Turns out he wasn't going as fast as he thought he was the store owner caught him, and he paid for steeling with a beating, he was left to the streets alone, scared and starving.

His clothes torn and no good anymore, Levi was waiting for death to reunite him with his parents, but fate had other plans. When a young male named Kenny showed up to his rescue; Kenny taught him how to survive and fend for himself.

Murders were still happening around them, but they ignored it, Kenny was busy to teach Levi everything he needed to know: combat, steeling, knife play, and more.

One day, Kenny came home with money, he had a plan to sneak them onto a boat going to New York.

It would be months before they reached New York from Japan, but they were willing to go, and they did.

Once on the boat they waited.......and waited........and waited it took longer than they thought but once they were there they jumped off the boat out of their hiding spots and ran. No one came after them, they were successful now all they need to do was pickpocket a few people for Money, and they could finally get on their feet. Everything was going fine Levi was keeping watch waiting for Kenny to return.....but that never happened he waited for a few days and still no sign of Kenny. And now this is where Levi will take on the story.

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