The Vampire (Ch.16)

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It had been two days since Atticus had been brought back; it was unusual as most of the girls swarmed into his hospital room, bringing flowers and trying to talk to him. I didn't pay it much mind as Bastion, and I spent most of our time working on the duel runner with a bit of help.

Jasmine: "What are you blockheads doing now!"

I turned to see Jasmine holding up one of the new parts while Mindy sat on the couch. Over the past few weeks, since the meeting with Pegasus and showing him around the shop. Pegasus had been graceful enough to buy us a few things for the place.

Tires, new frames, computers to help with programming. Along with a TV, two couches were convertible to beds, a mini-fridge and a stove. Honestly, it was becoming a clubhouse as our friends popped by.

Y/N: "What are you on about now?"

Jasmine: "Did you even look or listen to what I said a few minutes ago!"

I rolled my eyes. Jasmine was the mechanic. In fact, the best mechanic out of us both. But she had a... Way of explaining things that would drive a man to drink.

Jasmine: "I know your new to this, but you can't add on the new break unless you've measured the new ones. My god, it's like you're an idiot."

Y/N: "First off, I'm only changing the pressure of the tire so I can remove the drum break and-"

Jasmine: "That's my point. You don't need to be doing these odd things. Just place it on the new pair of wheels and add it on."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, knowing what she meant. I did as I was instructed as she loomed over me with a teacher like eyes. While I silently murmured under my breath.

Y/N: "I swear this is the last time... Stupid woman, doesn't even know of the- "

Jasmine: "What was that!"

I threw wrench to the floor and stood up, glaring right back at her.

Y/N: "Sit on a dick, you crazy bitch!"

Jasmine raised a fist, and I was ready to do the same. But I was pulled back as Bastion steps between us.

Bastion: "Maybe, it's time we step out and have a break."

Jasmine: "Did you hear what he said to me!"

Bastion: "I'm sure he meant it... In the nicest way possible."

I flinched as Bastion was sucker punched and hit the floor with a thud. Jasmine was still growling under her breath, then left the room. Not saying a word, I looked to Bastion, holding my hand out to him.

Bastion: "Ow..."

Y/N: "You alright?"

Bastion: "Mostly."

He placed his hand on his cheek as he stood up.

Bastion: "Say what you will about Jasmine. She's got a mean left hook."

Y/N: "Yeah, I can see. Seriously, what got her panties in a twist."

Mindy: "Y/N!"

I looked at Mindy and rolled my eyes.

Y/N: "Figure of speech darling. It's just... I don't get it. Ever since Atticus came back, she's been violent with us. But seriously, why take it out on us. What did we do?"

Mindy sighed and stood up.

Mindy: "She's just scared. Alexis hasn't left Atticus side. She's just under some stress... But I get it, after all. Atticus is her crush."

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