Dedication (Ch.9)

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The holidays had come and gone in a matter of weeks, most of my time was spent on creating and repairing the bikes. Now in my yellow jacket and new duel disk. I stared at the marvel that I had created with spare parts.

 I stared at the marvel that I had created with spare parts

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Y/N: 'Not bad...'

Poki and Needle Burrower landed on my shoulder, the two talking amongst themselves. It had been amusing to see the relationship grow over the past weeks. Once upon a time they couldn't stand one another now. They willingly talked back to each other and had conversations.

Poki: "Wow..."

Burrower: "Hisssss."

Poki: "So, any luck on making it run while dueling?"

Y/N: "No... Not yet. They have the power to run. I imagine the duel runners run on something different in the future. Maybe some form of electricity. For now, this is the basics. But I need some outside help."

Burrower nuzzled my neck, making me giggle.

Y/N: "Yeah, I know you want to duel too."

Poki quickly spreader his wings and glided onto the duel runner. Trying to reach the handlebar and pedals, but it was far too small to reach anything. I chuckled, placing him in my pocket.

Poki: "Oh man... Do we really have to leave? I've been enjoying my naps."

Y/N: "You can always stay behind and sleep."

Poki landed on the desk that held my tools and computer for running simulations. Over the past week, I had barely even started on the programming; it wasn't my forte when it came to things like this. All the codding was driving me mad.

After a few moments, Poki found the small basket that acted as his bed in the workshop. Quickly snoring up a storm. Needle Burrower hissed in a joking tone, but Poki didn't listen; instead, he rolled over and continued to snore.

[Time Skip]

The school would start in a few minutes; the students had only arrived back yesterday, and the few that couldn't were now heading for class with bags of clothing under their arms. Bastion was one of those few students. He strolled beside me with his briefcase and school bag in hand.

Bastion: "So old chum, don't tell me you've been slacking off during the summer break."

Y/N: "Well, I wouldn't really call it that?"

We stopped a few meters behind the pack of students entering school. Looking up the stairs, I spotted Alexis and her friend group at the top of the stairs. However, as they reached for the door. Mindy spun around and saw me, and instead of giving me a wave, she blew me a kiss. I brought my hand up and pretended to catch it, and placed it in my pocket. Even from this distance, I could see Mindy's pink cheeks and smoke trailing out of her ears as she's pulled through the door.

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