Festivities (Ch.11)

910 35 33

Character Stats
Name: Y/N L/N
Age: 17
School House: Duel Academy
Lv. 15
Strength: A / (X)
Dexterity: B / (X)
Constitution: A / (X)
Intelligence: B / (X)
Wisdom: B / (X)
Charisma: A / (X)
Luck: B / (X)
- Powers located in the brackets (X) are blocked of due to power output.

Hand to Hand - X

Levelling system

S – God
X – Demi-God
A – Super Human
B – Above Average
C - Average
D – Below Average
E – None Existent

Hey, guys tell me what other abilities or skill that character should have.


Y/N: "Bastion... Pass me the wrench."

Bastion: "Here."

Y/N: "Thank you."

Loosening one of the bolts, the duel runners' arms finally dropped off, revealing the duel disk functioning as the hologram and field for this bike. Bastion moved closer, bringing up the schematics. Examining where it's best to supplement the power cables.

But we didn't get far as Bastion's PDA blared to life.

Bastion: "Oh, bother."

Y/N: "What now?"

Bastion: "The interschool duelling will be taking place in a few minutes."

On my back, I looked to Bastion, raising an eyebrow.

Y/N: "Wait, that stupid duel between North Academy and our school. It's happening today, huh... Go figure. The one day I thought I could skip, and we're being called to watch."

Bastion: "Wait a moment, aren't you supposed to be duelling?"

Y/N: "Kind of. Zane and the Chancellor offered me the choice. But I turned it down."

Bastion: "WHAT!!!"

Bastion screamed that out so loud that I nearly pushed the bike off its stand. Turning to Bastion, I sent him a glare and sat up, cleaning the dust off my top and oil stain.

Y/N: "It's not a big deal; they asked for one of the best first years to duel."

Bastion: "But you are!"

Y/N: "Maybe, but I thought it is better if the second-best duellist would take my place. Besides, I have to work and don't need a title. That just came with going to this school."

Bastion sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Bastion: "That's so like you, it's not even funny. Do you have any idea how special the occasion is?"

Y/N: "Yes, but do I care... No. The duel runners need to be functional by the end of this week. Chancellor Shepard wanted to see how far we've come. I don't have time to play the hero if I don't need to."

Bastion: "Well... I suppose."

Y/N: "Good."

Laying on my back once more, I grabbed the wiring and soldering iron. Moving into the position as Bastion spoke up on the parts.

Y/N: "Now tell me where you want these wires to run out?"

With a quick answer from Bastion, we went back to work. Working in unison made the job appear almost effortless. But it was not that simple. Either something would break, or we simply didn't have the space to add that function in. These bikes were pieces of junk that looked nice. I promptly discovered that duel runners had to be large and customisable because simple bikes weren't pulling it off.

GX StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ