"Jason, you have a few minor burns," Cindy implied, dabbing the burns with cold water. It stung as he hissed in pain.

"How does your chest feel?" Melany Yung asked, taking the oxygen mask away.

"It feels clearer than before. We have to bury that boy who died..." Jason trailed, coughing.

"Xander and a few others are working on that. They were going to do it in the park and put up small white flags," Bella said.

Jason opened his eyes slowly, with the sun shining brightly, and shaded his hands. He gritted his teeth, feeling something cool on his leg. It was only the first day, and they had already lost someone.

Everything was still disorganized, but he had to step up and help somehow. He knew some would disagree; he had to sort out agreements. That would mean he'd have to set up agreements with the Uden Academy people.

He only knew of four people: Greyson, Scarlett, and Luke, who were all different in their own way. The other boy they had must have had something or was just along for the ride. Either way, dealing with them was going to be difficult.

"Bella, can you go meet up with Mark and Xander? I think I'll be a bit still," Jason asked, trying to sit up but yelping in pain.

Bella nodded, standing, as she dashed off to find Mark and Xander. He could only assume that none of this would be easy for anyone.

If someone had told Bella she would do something with people her own age, she'd have laughed. It was now time for her to face the reality of her situation. Her hometown is now in a state of chaos.

She was hoping to still be that golden girl she had always been by having good grades to get into a university for fashion. She still wanted to be the prettiest or go to all the parties with older students.

The dream seemed to be dying now. She was trying to find two guys she barely knew before this happened. Who would have thought she'd get involved with people other than those older than her?

The park was surrounded by kids. Xander was holding a shovel and leaning against an oak tree. She rushed toward him, breathless from all the running she had to do. Cross-country running was something she hated.

"Woah, are you good there?" he asked.

"Jason wanted me to find you. I think he wants to talk to you and Mark," Bella breathed, placing her hands on her knees. She didn't realize how long it took her to get her breathing back to normal.

"Oh, sure," Mark said, placing a cross made of sticks as the gravestone.

"Nobody knows the toddler's name," Xander whispered, moving his mouth side to side in silence.

"Jason wants to see you two for some reason," Bella said.

"Oh, really now?" Scarlett inquired.

They jumped, turned, and Bella spotted the girl who ranked her wrist. She held a plastic water bottle with a smirk on her face, her dark hair done perfectly while still wearing the Uden Academy uniform.

"Ah, we meet again. What's your name?" Scarlett asked in a mocking tone.

"Bella," she snapped.

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