Just like with Liz, Luka's overbearing 'father' figure had wrecked any chance they had of a future.

He was such an idiot for thinking this time would be different.

He took a few moments to breathe through his emotions, although it didn't make him feel any better. But he at least felt like he could stand up and get to his room.

He shakily got to his feet, his hand reaching for the wall to support himself. He sniffed loudly, and wiped his nose.

He wobbled through the compound, weirdly not running into anybody else, and made it to his room, where he flopped face first down onto his bed.

And he made another noise.

He spent some time on his bed, silently crying into the sheets, not thinking about anything other than how he had wasted his time. Even recently, not talking to her as much, or as deeply, he had fallen pretty hard for Luka. This was just a crazy time, getting ready for missions. Before this, their talks were the highlight of his day, he felt motivated to do better in himself, to get fitter, look better for her. But now...what had been the point in it all?

If Peter tried to contact her now, Mr Stark wouldn't let him on the mission. If he didn't go on the mission, he wouldn't be an Avenger.

If he didn't have Luka, he at least needed that title.

He slowly stood up, his body aching as if it was trying to tell him to stop moving and just wallow in his depression, but he needed a shower. He trudged over to his bathroom when he happened to glance out of the window and a couple of figures caught his eye.

Walking along the edge of the paving, towards the pool, was a giant, brick like person, and trailing next to them, was a tiny looking one, although they may have looked tiny because of the severe size difference. Peter focused, and he realized who the two figures were.

Mr Barnes and...Luka.

They looked like they were laughing as they reached the edge of the pool, then they were facing each other. They must have been talking about something. Peter's hands pressed against the glass, as he watched them start taking their clothes off.

Anger spiked through his stomach, his brain, as he watched more and more items of clothing fall to the ground around them. Until Mr Barnes was in what looked like boxer shorts, and Luka was...Luka was in...

Peter swallowed, watching her run her fingers through her hair, twisting from side to side in a red bikini. They seemed to exchange a few more words, then Mr Barnes bent down, lifted Luka over his shoulders, and jumped into the pool. He could hear a faint squeal before the splash of the water.

He watched, his teeth gritted as the two of them resurface, in each other's arms, before swimming apart. After they swam back together, Mr Barnes holding Luka in his arms and spinning her around, Peter turned away, angry as hell.

He was never meant to have her. He was stupid, idiotic, naïve to think that someone like Luka would be satisfied with someone like him. To think that Mr Stark would let her be with someone like with. She had to do everything, teach him everything, go behind his boss' back to talk to him, sneak around to see him.

Luka was obviously better suited to Mr Barnes.

They had a thing when they first met. They were still friends. Mr Stark let them do everything together. Mr Barnes could openly take her to the pool, give her the perfect afternoon in the sunshine, filled with laughter, and Mr Stark wouldn't put an alarm on him.

Mr Barnes was already going on missions. He wasn't on Training Wheels protocol. If you had Peter and Mr Barnes standing next to each other, no one on earth would pick Peter.

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