"There are plenty of other people that can help you."

"They don't know her like you do."

"That's true." Bucky smiled slightly and scratched his chin. "What do you want to know?"

"Umm..." Why was this so hard?! Just ask him, Peter, all he could do is kill you, it's no big deal. "I...I..."

"Come on, you've been trying to ask me something for days, just spit it out." Peter's eyes snapped up to Bucky's and widened. "You do realise FRIDAY tells me every-time someone asks anything about me? It was part of the deal with Stark for me to stay here."

Peter nodded. That made sense. He must have been so paranoid coming out of his brainwashing stuff so it was definitely logical to-

"I can hear you thinking." Bucky's voice slapped through Peter's wild thought spiral. Peter coughed.

"S-sorry...I just...was...the other day I ...we..."

"Can't help you if you don't tell me what's happened punk."

"I don't want to disrespect you, sir." Peter sighed.

"Stop calling me sir." Bucky growled. Peter grimaced. This was going well.

"Sorry! M-Mr Barnes...we...downstairs the other day we... " Peter swallowed, finding it difficult to say the words out loud. "Kissed."

That caught Bucky's attention. His eyes widened slightly and he shifted so that he was sitting up on the bed. Then he started to smile.

"Well. That's good." Bucky said, still smiling. "Then?"

"What do you mean then?"

"Well, what happened after?"

"Mr...Mr Stark walked in." Bucky kissed his teeth with his tongue.

"Yep, that'll ruin a moment. What do you need me for? To beat up Stark for interrupting?"

"What? No! No nothing like that I uhh...I don't know what to do next." Bucky nodded, then patted the space on the bed next to him. Once Peter had sat down, Bucky shifted so he was facing him more directly.

"You've never dated, have you?" Bucky asked, as Peter fiddled with his hands again.

"I...I tried, with Liz. Then her Dad tried to kill me so..." He saw Bucky smile out of the corner of his eye, and felt his face growing hot again. "I just...I'm not good at this stuff."

"Especially when you're scared of the Dad." Bucky winked. "I mean the first thing would be to...talk to her?" Peter was quiet. "She's not as ... what's the word ... unapproachable, as everyone thinks."

"She's still scary." Peter muttered.

"Not at all. She just knows what she wants and if it doesn't interest her, or it pisses her off, she says so. She's confident, that's all."

"And apparently I'm not." Peter quipped, remembering what she said about him being a 'puppy'. "You...you never ... you and her..." He refused to look at Bucky, hoping he caught on to what he was trying to ask.

"I'm pretty sure you've already asked her that."

"She said you're not involved now. But she didn't say if..."

"We are much better friends than we would be anything else, that's all you need to know." Bucky watched Peter, who was frowning, and now playing with a thread on the blanket. "I'm not the thing that's worrying you though, am I?"

Peter straightened up. If he was going to get the advice he wanted, he had to ask Bucky.

"I wonder if...if she doesn't want...I haven't ever..." Peter tried to gesticulate his point with his hands, but quickly realised there was no right way to mime 'sex'. Bucky frowned, trying to decipher his actions, then he got it.

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