Chapter 88.2

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Yao Yuguang had been feeling quite refreshed in recent days. The company of the Gao family had gone out of business while his company had experienced a recent wave. He even won two lucrative orders recently. He suspected that what happened in the hotel was known to Yan Ting.

Otherwise, the Gao family wouldn't be so miserable.

They were having a good life but they had to go and provoke Yan Ting's man? Wasn't this looking for death?

After dying once, he deeply realized the value of life and adhered to the principle of absolutely doing nothing, in order to ensure that he and his family keep living.

He was in a good mood and his appetite was big. He was about to invite a few scoundrel friends to a lively bar when a strange number came in on his phone.

"Who is it?" He was a bit impatient. Who was so blind that they called his private number?

"It's me, Li Zhao."

"Hello, Mr Li Zhao. Hello, hello." Yao Yuguang subconsciously nodded. "What do you have to say?"

"Do you have any time in the afternoon? I want to meet."

"Yes, yes, where are you? I'll come over to see you straight away. Even if the knife dropped sulphuric acid, he had to wear armour to look for it.

Yao Yuguang rushed to the place Li Zhao mentioned. It took him a while to see Li Zhao wearing glasses and a hat in a small box.

The confidentiality of this coffee store was really good and it was very suitable for artists.

He ran to Li Zhao and stood still. "Mr Li."

"Mr Yao, please sit down." Li Zhao pressed the service bell. "What do you want to drink?"

"You are too polite." Yao Yuguang carefully sat down in front of Li Zhao. Once he made sure that Li Zhao didn't mean to do anything to him, he asked with a smile, "Mr Li is looking for me. What can I do for you?"

"I want to know Yan Ting's physical condition."

Yao Yuguang froze. "His body... has always been good. There are no problems."

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Were the two of them not so harmonious in some respects between two men, causing Li Zhao to come and ask him?

Coafg ajxlcu j ylaf bo atf mjxf jcv vliealcu atf ylaafg ajraf bo mbooff lc tlr wbeat, Ol Itjb qea vbkc atf rlinfg obgx. "Kfii wf jybea Tjc Klcu ktfc tf kjr sbecu."

Tjb Teuejcu gfmjiifv la jcv vfmlvfv ab ajix wbgf jybea Tjc Klcu'r jvnjcajufr. "Lf tjr yffc fzmfiifca rlcmf tf kjr j mtliv. Lf ifjgcr fnfgsatlcu ojra jcv jiwbra cfnfg obgufar la. Lf jirb qijsr qljcb jcv nlbilc yea tf tjrc'a qijsfv la rlcmf yfmbwlcu jc jveia. Pc atlr kbgiv, atfgf rffwr ab yf cbatlcu atja tf klii mbcrlvfg tjgv."

Speaking of this, Yao Yuguang smiled bitterly. "To tell the truth, as kids, the thing we hated most was this type of child. Uncle... after his parents passed away, he was raised by his grandparents but within a few years, they also died. Before grandfather died, he left the inheritance of the company to Yan Ting. However, Yan Ting wasn't an adult at that time so my parents acted as his agent."

Now he often thought that if his mother hadn't made things difficult for Yan Ting's mother unlike with his uncle, forcing Yan Ting's mother to suffer from a mental illness, perhaps all the tragedies wouldn't have happened.

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