Chapter 71.2

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Gou Er was a well-known paparazzi in the circle. Over the years, he had burst out the materials of many small entertainers and also got bad benefits. Since there was no big news lately, the netizens' interest in him had started to decrease.

There was no traffic without attention. How could he make money? The basis of a paparazzi naturally depended on attractive materials.

Digging into Li Zhao's past was purely an accident. If he hadn't been cleaning his parents' house and found a newspaper from 10 years ago, he wouldn't have known Li Zhao had such an experience.

He wouldn't know if he hadn't checked and once he checked, he was shocked.

10 years ago, this abuse case had made a lot of waves in the local area. He heard that the local government not only changed the name of the child but also moved his household registration to protect the child.

Who would've thought that the poor abused child would become a star?

Gou Er asked people to check Li Zhao's background. Although Li Zhao was valued by Strawberry Entertainment, he didn't have a big background. Gou Er wouldn't offend anyone big if he broke this news. He didn't hesitate at all before exploding it.

In fact, this could be regarded as helping Li Zhao gain fans. Having such a miserable childhood experience would definitely attract the sympathy and attention of countless people. Once the news broke, the number of people who found him to inquire about the news almost blew up his studio's phone.

He proudly sold them some photos and messages, making a lot of money. Just as he was walking proudly out of a bar, he was dragged into a car.

"What do you want to do?" Gou Er looked at these men in suits with horror. Did they know he was a famous breaking news account on Weibo?

Impossible, he had always attached great importance to privacy since he was worried about being retaliated against. In the past few years, his life had been very smooth and he didn't believe someone would discover him. However, these people didn't care about him at all. They directly brought him to an abandoned construction site and started to punch and kick him.

"You should be glad that our boss is a law-abiding man" A man in a suit and wearing sunglasses declared indifferently. "Otherwise, you wouldn't even have a life."

Gou Er lay on the ground, not daring to speak. He was afraid that these people really would put him into a cement pillar.

The moment these people left, he listened to the wind blow through the dilapidated old building. Then he pulled out his phone and called the police. The police came quickly. Gou Er didn't have time to be happy because he was arrested for extortion.

Over the years, he had relied on the materials he photographed to make the artists spend money to buy them. Finally, he received a backlash. However, he didn't understand why these artists would risk the news being leaked in order to put him in jail. Was there a big person behind this? Who was aiming at him?


"Damn!" Xu Bei saw the news of Li Zhao's childhood abuse being revealed and was so angry that he smashed all the cups in the house. If he didn't know that Li Zhao couldn't expose this type of news, he would almost suspect that this was Li Zhao's self-promotion.

Seclusion Mountain Forest had just broadcasted the content of a mother looking for her child. Now it was revealed that Li Zhao was actually an abandoned child. In addition, he was abused by his adoptive parents and almost died.

Beautifying himself with tragedy would all be occupied by Li Zhao. Strawberry Entertainment also supported Li Zhao. How could an actor go against all of this? Everyone would become Li Zhao's foil!

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