Ch71.1 - Warm

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"I'm picking you up to go home." Yan Ting's eyes swept over Zhu Xia and the others in the room before finally falling on Li Zhao. "Let's go."

"How did you know I was here?" Li Zhao smiled and bent over to put on his shoes while Yan Ting stood at the door and watched him. Yan Ting replied, "Sister Xia told me."

Li Zhao put on his shoes and spoke to Zhang Xiaoyuan on the other end of the phone. "Brother Xiaoyuan, my friend came to pick me up. You don't need to."

"I'll go to your house to find you." Zhang Xiaoyuan hurriedly hung up the phone.

"So urgent, is there an important cooperation?" Li Zhao turned and said goodbye to his friends. "Then I'll go back first. Come to my barbecue tomorrow, don't forget."

"Okay, okay." Zhu Xia and the others nodded in agreement.

Once Yan Ting and Li Zhao left, Zhou Ming asked Zhu Xia, "When did you contact Xiao Yan?"

Zhu Xia said nothing.

"Something happened with Zhao Zhao." Zhu Linlin was holding her phone to return the blessing messages from her friends when a notification jumped out. She clicked in and looked at her before her face became scared.


The friends were shocked. Zhao Zhao had just gone out the door. Why had something happened?"

"Zhao Zhao's previous matter... was dug out by the paparazzi."

Previous matter? Zhu Xia took the phone from Zhu Linlin and saw a photo that made her heart hurt. There was a photo taken 10 years ago when Li Zhao's abuse was exposed. Although the eyes were mosaiced, she could recognize it instantly. This was Li Zhao as a child.

The article vividly described Li Zhao's abuse and even took photos of the old house where Li Zhao had lived before he was 10 years old.

[Old Man Li hasn't been educated and didn't know it was illegal to beat his children. After he was put in prison, the poor family lost his strength. His two biological children were also ridiculed because of their father's imprisonment. They didn't go to high school and went to work in a big city.]

[This reporter asked Old Man Li if there were any regrets about what happened back then. The old and tired man was silent for a long time before saying that if he knew it would cause so many things, he wouldn't have picked up the child because of his soft heart...]

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

"This group of beasts, how could these beasts reverse black and white like this, regardless of right and wrong?"

Coafg gfjvlcu atf jgalmif, Ite Wlj kjr mgslcu jcugs afjgr jcv rtf rtbeafv, "Qtja klii qfbqif cba vb obg atlr ibers agjoolm?! Qts vlvc'a atbrf yjrajgvr vlf?"

Ite Wlj olclrtfv atf rmbivfv jcv mbnfgfv tfg wbeat. "Lbk rjv kbeiv Itjb Itjb yf lo tf rjk atlr asqf bo jgalmif? Ktfrf qfbqif tjnf cb tfjga, atfs jgfc'a tewjc.'

There had been many people on the Internet who discovered the news that a child called Xiao Ming was rescued 10 years ago. Some school teachers and villagers were interviewed. There was also photos of the child being beaten until he was blue and purple all over, his head swollen abnormally and full of injuries.

The Li fans didn't want to admit that this Xiao Ming was their baby. The couldn't imagine the baby they held in their heats actually encountered these things as a child. However, they were familiar with Li Zhao and could recognize the child with a mosaic over his eyes instantly. This was a small version of Zhao Zhao.

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