That's My Best Friend

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<Joining the Avengers was an interesting experience, but I was entirely prepared for it, I was calm and professional...

Okay, fine I fainted.

...into Tony's arms, but he was totally cool about it. Actually everyone was, except for the Ass, otherwise known as Samuel Thomas Wilson.

The jackass laughed at me and he still brings it up just to embarrass me.

<He may be a pain, but he's helped me a lot. Just the other day Clint jumped out of the vents at me and made me throw my phone, so Sam helped me duct tape his arrows together.

-btw it was a terrible idea, Clint glitter bombed our closets. Its e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!

<Sam is always insisting we hangout. We went to play mini golf... it went well. Though we are now banned from Lou's Putt Putt and Arcade.

Let's just say that you're not supposed to dive into the pond for a dare. I still got twenty bucks, so I think it's a win in my book. And Sam gave me his jacket to wear afterwards, he is not getting it back.

-I wear it all the time, it makes me feel safe, plus Sam always has a cute smile when he sees me wear it.

<He's amazing, he always checks in on me after missions. Last mission he bandaged my knee after it was cut.

-btw don't trust him to sew up anything anymore, the asshole sewed my pants leg together instead of my thigh

<Sam and I are really close, when the team has movie night he always ends up cuddling up to me and wrapping me in his arms. He makes me feel loved. He's my best friend.

<Lately he has been acting weird. Thor invited me to visit New Asgard and Sam got quiet. He still talked to me, but he refused to even acknowledge Thor's presence.

Once I got back from my visit I ran to find Sam. I showed him this Asgardian necklace Thor gave me, Sam just smiled painfully. I don't know what's wrong.

<I took Sam out for lunch, he had the first genuine smile on his face that I have seen in days. He's gorgeous when he smiles. We walked through the park afterwards. He gave me a wild flower he found. His eyes got really wide when I gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

<Sam convinced me to have a horror movie marathon with him. I got scared and ended up in his room. He cuddled with me and I woke up with him still hugging me. He's such a great guy.

"THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME! Why can't they just admit it already!", Tony yells as he slams Y/N'S diary shut.

"This is what you get for snooping and shipping your friends, Tony", Steve says from across the room.

Tony grunts, "Don't lie to me, Rogers. You've been shipping them since Y/N joined the team. Everyone ships them!"

Sam walks into the room with Y/N on his back.
"Everyone ships who?" They say in unison.
"Uh, Tim and Lucy." Tony said quickly.
"Oh, okay then" Sam says with a quirked brow.

"Sammy" Y/N said.
"Yes, Scaredy Cat"
"Ugh, one time a movie scares me, just one time." Y/N says with an eyeroll.

"I still think it was a ruse for you to get in my bed." Sam said with a smirk.
"You wish, flyboy"
"Says the one who said "Sammy, hold me please, I'm so scared.""
"Why I oughta" Y/N says as they step closer to Sam.

When Sam and Y/n are barely an inch from eachother, Tony yells, "Will you two just kiss already! All this flirting back and forth for months and nothing. I have been shipping you two for so long I might as well call myself Niles!"

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