"Magnus, I really need to go. What's taking you so long? Just change the bandages already."

Ambrose leans forwards, biting back a whimper as the motion causes his bladder to tighten, the need to pee increasing. But all that is forgotten when he notices his now healed feet.


"Ambrose, let's visit the palace doctor, alright?"

Before Ambrose could protest, Magnus scoops him into his arms. He whimpers, a dizzying sensation taking over as he moves too abruptly. He didn't realize how terrible he felt until the calming haze wore off from his mind. He became hyper-aware of the pounding of his head. His body felt hot, to the point where he felt like stripping off his clothes to get cool.

"Hang in there, Rose," Magnus says, holding the omega close to his body.

Ambrose's arm shoots out, grabbing hold of the door frame. He points to the washroom, making Magnus sigh. He glares up at the older man through pain-filled eyes. Telling him that they weren't going anywhere until he relieved his straining bladder.

"Alright, but quickly. We need to get your legs examined."

Ambrose sighs in relief as he is carried to the washroom, thankful that Magnus finally listened to him.


Ambrose's mother and father were informed that he was on his way to the palace doctor. They immediately cleared their schedules for the morning, rushing to get to their eldest pup.

They make it to the room just as Ambrose was situated on the examining table. The palace doctor feels around Ambrose's ankles, the action making Tabari and Bowyn's eyes widen as they notice he was fully healed.

Bowyn snarls as Ambrose winces, making the palace doctor pale in fear. Bowyn was still hostile towards anyone who touched his pup, not wanting any harm to come to him. His wolf was fuming in his head, wanting to surface and teach the man a lesson for hurting his pup.

Tabari places a hand on Bowyn's back, sending out soothing pheromones to calm his Alpha. It works, the older man relaxing at his touch.

"Do you feel any pain here, Your Grace," The doctor asks, pressing down lightly where his wounds used to reside.

He yelps, yanking his foot from the doctor's grasp. Bowyn lets out another threatening growl, Tabari tugging on his sleeve to get him to calm down.

"By the looks of it, I'd say you are receiving a new wolf from Moon Goddess. Your scent is changing dramatically. Before you smelt of human, now your scent is carrying a light scent of a wolf. I predict that in a few weeks you should complete your transformation. This is great news for you, now it will be much easier to heal all of your wounds. I suspect that the changes occurring in your body are what brought upon your fever."

"Have you ever noticed a slight disconnect from His Highness's wolf," the doctor asks, turning his attention to Bowyn and Tabari.

"We thought it was because he wasn't our child by blood," Tabari says, clinging to Bowyn's arm tightly. "His wolf was mostly silent, he never connected with our wolves."

"I have a theory that His Highness was given the wrong wolf at birth and this situation has allowed Moon Goddess to correct the mishap and give him his rightful wolf."

"But Moon Goddess never makes mistakes," Tabari insists, brows furrowing in confusion. "What you're saying, it cannot be true!"

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