I take one last glance at my padawan's sleeping figure and then close her door.


Luna's POV

"Master?" I walk around the Jedi Temple, "Master, where are you??" Something didn't feel right. The Force didn't feel right.

Suddenly, Hayden walks up to me out of nowhere, "You failed." He hisses, face smirking, "It's all your fault. I knew you were never worthy."

I glare at him, "What do you mean??" My heart pounded, suddenly scared. Something didn't feel right here...

Obi-wan comes out of nowhere too, "He means, you have failed being my padawan."

"I- wh- what?" My voice becomes small and my heart stops.

Ahsoka and Anakin also appear, "We all knew that you weren't worthy." Anakin says cruelly, "You're a failure. It's your fault Dooku escaped!"

I step back, voice cracking, "I- I didn't mean to! I didn't know what t-"

Ahsoka interrupts me, "Which is why you have failed."

"You are no longer my padawan." Obi-wan folds his arms and glares at me angrily, "You've failed me for the last time." He reaches over and rips my padawan braid off ruthlessly.

I scream in pain, feeling skin being ripped off along with the braid. Pain spiked my head and I feel a tear slip down my chin, "NO!"

Smiling, Obi-wan gives my braid to Hayden who waves it teasingly at my face, "It's mine now."

I glare at him, "It's mine." I shout angrily, head still pounding with pain. 

"Not anymore." Hayden clutches the braid, "Obi-wan is now my Master as he should have been from the beginning." He stares at me disdainfully, "I don't know what he was thinking, making you his padawan."

"He's right." Obi-wan folds his arms, "You were never worthy. And you never will be. You're not even a worthy Jedi."

"Agree, I do." I whirl around, coming face to face with Master Yoda, "Expelled from this order, you must be."

"No." I gasp out, terrified, "The Jedi Order is my home!"

"Before I knew it, I was outside the Temple, with my master, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Hayden jeering at me.

"Get out of here, you piece of lowly scum." Obi-wan snarls, "I've had enough of you."

Tears run down my cheeks now. It was over. I had failed. I wasn't worthy. I had never been worthy. Suddenly, Hayden disappears and my master, Anakin, Ahsoka fall to the ground, all writhing in sudden pain. 

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!!" Ahsoka yells angrily, voice filled with hate and pain.

I bend down, trying to make whatever was hurting them stop, "What's happening??" I yell, eyes widening. My heart was pounding and I clutch their hands, trying to offer comfort.

Anakin groans in pain, "You are a monster." He growls.

I sob, "I am! I AM A MONSTER!!"  

Everything was my fault. If only I could do something! If I could cease to exist. I was useless, a failure.

Obi-wan grabs my arm, his eyes suddenly filled with hate and anger, "You are nothing. Just a piece of junk. A failure and a monster. You don't deserve to live. You're WEAK." His body suddenly turns paler and more transparent. Ahsoka and Anakin also begin to turn transparent, seeming to fade away.

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