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This chapter is dedicated to my amazing brother, Robin! Thank you so much for always supporting me and being there when I need your help.

Happy Birthday!

And May the Force Be With You. Always.


Luna's POV

I yawn, finishing another chapter of Legends of the Force. I knew I should be resting, but I just wanted to finish one more chapter and see what happened to the Sith...

There's a knock on the door and Obi-wan walks into my room, eyebrows raised, "I thought I told you to get some rest," He states, glancing at the ancient book of legends in my hands.

"You did." I say easily, "But then I thought, 'why not read one more chapter?' So I did."

Obi-wan rolls his eyes, "That's what you've been saying the last five times I've walked in here to tell you to get some rest. Or at least meditate." He sighs, "You need to rest. You can't stay awake forever."

I snort, "Try me."

Giving me the, 'don't argue with me look,' Obi-wan folds his arms, "You're training tomorrow, you need to be rested."

I roll my eyes, "Haha. Nice try, but I'm training every day."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Obi-wan sighs, "You are impossible."

"I really am." I agree, laughing, "Fine. I promise I'll go to sleep after one more chapter."

"I get the feeling you won't."

"I will!" I fold my arms, "Promise."

Sighing, Obi-wan turns to my door, "Very well, then. One more chapter."

"You're the best," I say happily.

Though his back was turned to me, I swear I could see him smile at my words.


After about 20 minutes of reading, I feel my eyes begin to drop, shaking my head, I struggle to focus on the words in front of me. Mentally groaning, I sigh, not wanting to sleep just yet. I just want to finish the kriffing chapter...

My train of thought stops as my brain shuts, down, letting the relaxing darkness take over.


Obi-wan's POV

I knock on Luna's door and walk in, expecting to see the padawan in bed. Instead, I smile in amusement.

Luna was still sitting in her mini couch, hands still holding onto the ancient book of legends with a peaceful expression on her face as she snored softly.

I sigh, shaking my head and silently laughing.

 Like me when I was younger. A voice in my head says. It was true. Master Qui Gon often told me that I would fall asleep while reading or studying.

"What am I going to do with you?" I say, Gently scooping up her sleeping figure and tucking her into her bed. I begin to pry the book out of her hands, but she growls in her sleep and clutches the book tighter.

"It's mine." She mutters sleepily.

I laugh slightly, abandoning my attempt and let her clutch the book. Brushing a bit of hair out of her face, I sigh contentedly. She looked so peaceful. Safe. Small. I swore, she looked ten times younger sleeping.

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