Even Love Gets To Bleed

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"YOU ARE NEVER TO SEE HIM AGAIN!" Liam roared as he applied ice to his bleeding nose. "You don't get to tell me who I can see and who I can't!" I yelled. "GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM, NOW!" He shouts at me, making me shiver.

A part of me was petrified of all the scenes I imagined this would end. "I hate you all." I cried running to my room. I was starting to acknowledge how helpless I am, nothing I will say or do will ever be enough.

Almost 10 minutes later, Louis made his way up to my room. "You're not spanking me!" I jump. "Christina, please don't make this harder than it has to be." Louis says with what seems like disappointment in his voice.

"It's not going to happen!" I cry. By this time, tears are running down my cheek, without my consent. "I-I can't go through this again." I fall to the ground.

"Christina, the only reason I am doing this because all the others are way too angry to do it so please don't make it hard for me."

Tears started to spill out of me even more, knowing that everyone in the house is either angry at me or wants me to be punished. "Louis, please." I beg him. My stomach started to flip from the panic which is starting to settle in.

He grabbed my waist and lift me up then placed me against my desk, "P-please." I mange to say between sobs. "Christina, I need you to pull down your pants." He commands coldly.

I shake my head. "It's either you do it or I will." I stand still. "If I do it the number will be doubled." His threat feels like knives against my skin. My shaking arms make their way to the buttons of my jeans and the zipper, after a few minutes my blue jeans rested at my ankles and I was only in my navy blue panties.

And the more I thought about it, the more my stomach knotted. Then I heard the sound of his belt un-looping, my whole body started to shake as it abruptly started to summon back the last time Louis spanked me.

"Christina, breathe." Louis placed his hand on my back, making me flinch instantly. "I won't start until you tell me you're ready."

"Please don't." I cry, I am doing my best to stop shaking but it's way out of  my control. "I am so sorry. I didn't want to go to the therapist, I felt so vulnerable and hated feeling so, please, Louis." I try to explain to him.

"Look, I'll make this as least painful as it could be, I just need you to trust me." He whispers in my ears. "I-I am ready." I stutter weakly. After I realized there is no way for me out of this, at least let's get it over with.

He started hitting my bottom making me jump with each hit. It's true, he didn't hit with all his force but still each hit made me jump and after the 10th I started whining. He hit a few more hits to my sit spots. "Ahh!" I screamed. "Please..." A few screams escaped my lips. Then he hit 10 consecutive hits to one butt cheek, making me scream again, and when he realized it wasn't fair he did the exact same to the opposite cheek.

Afterwards, my legs couldn't carry me anymore, I fell. "Christina, these are the last ten." Louis tells me. "I-I can't stand up." My legs were shaking underneath my aching body. "Louis I swear, I can't." I cry, he sighed but put away his belt then helped me up.

He tried to help me stand but my legs shook terribly, and I felt so dizzy. "Louis, I need to sit down." I told him, feeling my grip on him loosen. My vision was getting darker and everything started to fade slowly. "Christina!" Louis yelled. I could barely hear him, his arms wrapped around me tightly.

"Zayn!!! Harry!! Help me!! Niall!!" Louis' voice was becoming very faint. "Christina, stay with me!" His eyes were a little bit glassier than usual. I wanted to tell him I can hear him but I couldn't talk, my mouth was too heavy for me to move and my eye lids were getting harder to keep open by the second. "GUYSS!!" He screamed again.

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