Chapter 1: My mate, my archenemy, my love

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My name is Nick, today is my 21st birthday. I am hoping to find my mate today. As soon as the sun rose I was up and wandering around, the small coastal town of Astoria, Oregon. As a normal function of my species I wouldn't normally get up until around sunset, but today is a bit different. 

It's a little hard to get out of my bubble sometimes especially when it is incredibly easy to get overwhelmed when around to many people, or with loud of verberating sounds. Certainly as a result I am great at making friends, just mot at keeping them for a long time whether by sudden boughts of isolation, or an insatiable appetite...

One of the few people who have stook around no matter what, and know everything about me is my best friend Carl. Carl is a pecular odity to me, his parents were actually eaten by a pair of Arachne when he was 16. Sometimes I think that he stayed friends with be to wait for me to snap one day and do something similar. Maybe not though,
I can be generally paranoid sometimes to be honest.

I headed down to the docks where Carl stood at the end of the pathway.

Once I reached him he put his arm around my shoulders loosely. Upon seeing my expression he asked or rather pointed out to me, that I didn't find my mate in town.

"You know there is no need to make fun of my situation dude."

Well.. you know I'm certainly willing to keep you for myself, but unfortunately that isn't in the cards. I want to take as much advantage of you as I can, do you want to go on an ocean trip for the day with me?

I looked back towards the house a few times before hanging my head and ending up agreeing to go along with Carl's crazy idea.

My best friend Carl tends to be a bit tricky and manipulative. Even for a human he is quite the ambusher of men(Maybe he is a closeted Arachne). He decided that I needed some fresh air and took me out on his boat which I was still pretty nervous about. I've always been uneasy about the ocean just as most Arachne are. Carl likes to try to push me to get over my fears, like I said I tend to be an occasional isolationist.

At 10 in the morning we were 16 miles off the coast into open water, and the waves were rocking the boat spraying mist into our faces. As we approached the Rock Reef I began to smell something really unusual yet amazing. This is confusing it almost seems like I'm smelling my mate out in the middle of the sea. I started laughing to myself thinking about how silly that would be, and what that smell could be coming from.

Suddenly there was a large cracking sound from the hull of the boat, water had begun to pour inside. Startled, we tried to regain our bearings so that the two of us could quickly run to get our life jackets on before the boat completely sank leaving us stranded.

A short bit later a figure appeared out of the water bobbing up and down off the starboard side of the ship. He was a merman, I screamed out terrified. I realized the wonderful smell was coming from him and I hated it. This couldn't be happening, I'd heard the legends. Legends about different Supernatural's becoming the mates of merman. These creatures were monsters, they had the ability to transform any other supernatural into one of their own as long as it's their mate.

I shouted loudly at him to keep his distance, but the creature decided to swim closer to me.

"Why would I do that love? I've been waiting quite a while for you, and it seems that you are an Arachne, what a wonderful coincidence that this might just make things easier down the road for us. It's time for me to initiate the mate bond transformation to turn you, so you'll be mine forever."

"Hey Nick, what's going on between you two, and what is he!!?"

He's a monster Carl, nothing ever good comes from one of them. Mermen are the archenemy of all supernatural's.

"You ain't dragging me to the bottom of the ocean." Gosh how am I supposed to get out of this... I wish that I could think of something, but my head is starting to get foggier thanks to the frigid cold water.

"Darling it's cute that you think that you have a choice in this." He laughed, smiling at me.

He swam up to me, pressing his incredibly lean muscular body up against mine. Our bodies were molding together even as I struggled to escape his surprisingly warm embrace. Even though he probably lived deep under the ocean his skin was a mahogany dark tan complimenting his wavy cobalt blue hair.

He pressed a long deep kiss to my lips causing me to begin the transformation. You see merman when they find their mates they transform them from the species they were born as, into one of their own, it's their special gift. I tried pushing him away again, but he had wrapped his long tail around me squeezing me so I couldn't move. As his tongue pushed its way into my mouth I bit him. He pulled back with an angry smirk on his face.

"You know that wasn't really necessary, there's no avoiding your transformation now. Now come on this isn't the end of the world, though you'll probably live to see it considering our species are immortal. You'll get over the loss of everything you knew eventually." he said with a laugh that sounded like some psycho.

"Like I am going to go along with this let me go, I Nick herby reject you..."

Before I could finish he pressed himself harder up against me and started to let us sink as he covered my mouth with his making it so that I could only breathe the air that he would let me until the transformation was complete.

I felt like I was melting into him and with the surrounding water feeling all warm and bubbly as my vision blacked out. I began to have less and less strength to fight against him, I can't believe this is happening to me.

My body began moving against my will as I wrapped my arms around his back and kissed him back. For some reason my subconscious was working against my conscience.

My legs began to feel sticky as it was getting harder to swish them back and forth, until finally I couldn't move them at all. I opened my eyes to find the transformation was complete, I'd become one of them. I felt like I was betraying my species, these parasites known as merman.

Although before I could process anything else his pheromones hit me full force which was I was unprepared for. Slowly I lost consciousness, his face drifting out of view.

Mate of a Merman: Archenemy Or MythWhere stories live. Discover now