Chapter 9: His Strange Behavior

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Optimus' POV:

Bumblebee said he would tell me what happened when we got back to base. He seemed... concerned at the time. Luckily, he just so happened to be waiting for me at the computer.

"Bumblebee?" I spoke. He turned to me. "Remember when I asked what had happened after I came back from fighting Soundwave?" He nodded. "You said you'd tell me back at base... What was bothering you?" I asked. He glared at the floor. Then looked back up with me.

"W-When I pulled him back... He seemed a bit freaked out that you were fighting with Soundwave..." He started. "I went to calm him down, but he crawled away from me..." He paused. "Then he started staring at you two, watching you fight. The longer he did, the more he seemed to enjoy it... He..." He paused once again. "He started grinning, a terrifying grin... The same type of grin M-Megatron would make..." I only started at the young bot. He seemed generally scared. "I-I guess that k-kinda freaked me out..." He confessed. I stood there for a moment. Unsure what to think of this new information. "I don't know if you know this but..." I looked up at him. "Arcee and R-Ratchet don't seem to like him very much..." He stated. "I hear them talk behind his back all the time... I hate when they do... It's not fair to Megatronus..." I grew livid. He was right. It wasn't fair. Not that I could do much about it. I can't change their minds. I sighed.

"Alright..." I spoke. "Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it..." I said. He nodded. "I'm sorry that he scared you, though I'm sure he didn't attend to..."

"I know that..." Bumblebee exclaimed.

"Why not confess these feeling to him?" I asked. "It might help to talk to him..." He shook his helm.

"I don't want to upset him more than he already is..." He beeped. "I can wait..." The young bot smiled at me. Something I hardly got to see anymore. I smiled back, nodding to show that I understood where he was coming from.

Megatronus' POV:

I sat in my room for I don't know how long. I didn't feel like picking up the screen pad. I didn't want to draw or write anything. I was bored, with nothing to do. I often scrape at my arms, which is something I try very hard not to do. It hurts, but I just can't seem to stop myself. I felt my digits twitched. I began picking at my claws. Trying to suppress the urge to tear away at my arms. I heard the door open again. I looked up to see that Optimus had returned. He ran towards me when he realized what I was doing. Grabbing a hold of my wrists.

"Stop doing that!" He ordered. I only stared at him. I hated when he yelled. He sighed, burying his face onto my chassis. He seemed highly stressed today.

"Did something happen? You seem a bit tense..." I asked. He vented to calm himself, lifting his helm.

"You all... All of you..." He mumbled. I cocked my helm. "I can't watch all of you at the same time..." He spoke, sadly.

"If you're worried for everyone, I can help watch them..." I offered.

"What if you're one of them?" He asked.

"O-Oh..." I stuttered. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

"You know... You're the only one I've let see me like this... I don't act like this with Ratchet..." He said.

"Really?" I asked. I was a bit surprised. I thought he acted like this with everyone. It kind of made me feel special. "Why though?" I asked. He lifted himself up, fixing his posture.

"I don't know..." He spoke. I stared up at him. He looked down at my arms again. "If you want to help me, start by refraining from scraping..." He ordered. I stared up at him.

"I'll try..." I stuttered.

"Please do..." He spoke softly. "I don't want to have to worry..."

"It's not like you'll get a choice..." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Everyone has something they want to do, even if that something puts them in danger..." I explained. "Even if you warn them, they may not listen..." I said. He stared down at the floor, seeming disappointed.

"What makes you say that?" He asked, looking up at me with concern. I smiled at him.

"I've lost many..." I said. "I constantly worried about them, begging them to listen..." I spoke sadly. "They never did..." I said finally. I felt tears form in my optics. He sat himself down, closer than normal. He placed his servo on my back.

"I've lost my friends too..." He said. I grit my teeth.

"They were family..." I muttered. My anger turned to pained sadness. "T-they weren't in any way related but..." My voice grew shaky. "They were the closet thing I had to a family..."

"I understand..." He soothed. "We lost a lot of comrades in the war..." I looked up at him, he was smiling, sadly. "Many I've grown attached to..." he frowned. "Sometimes I wish I hadn't..." He spoke through venting.

"We're not much different then..." I said. He looked at me, confused. I smiled up at him. "Maybe that's why you only act this way towards me..." I stated. "We have much in common!" He smiled back.

"Perhaps..." He said in a hopeful tone. He took another glance at my arms. "Do you need a med kit?" He asked.

"That would be nice..." I said. He nodded before gesturing me to follow. I gladly walked out with him.

When I got to the main base, I couldn't help but notice my favorite scout.

"Hey, Beebee!" I cheered. He smiled back with his eyes, waving at me. "You doing okay?" I asked.

"Yep!" He beeped.

"That's good!" I said. Bumblebee then grew confused.

"What's the med kit for?" He asked. I turned to see Optimus holding the med kit.

"His arms..." Optimus answered. Bumblebee looked at me sadly.

"Again, Megs?" He whined.

"I'll be fine, Bee... It's not as bad today..." I promised. He pouted, I chuckled at him.

"Arms out..." Optimus spoke. I held out my arms for him to work on them. "Primus... You even filed down your claws..." He whispered to himself.

"I hardly ever use them anyways..." I joked. Neither of them found it very funny. I probably wouldn't either. If I was who they really say I was.

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