One Time Thing

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You knew the layout of Logan's house, so you started stomping towards end of the hallway where the stairs were. You didn't look back to see if Tom was following you, because you were too nervous thinking about what was about to happen.

Emotions were bubbling inside of you as you walked, and you tried to stop yourself spiralling into a panic attack by identifying each one.

Anger – the way Tom spoke to you, and Ryan? Tom had never been an angry person, and he sounded you were a toy he owned, and Ryan had stolen you away. He had no right to speak to either of you like that.

Anxiety – duh. Why had he spoken to you like that? What was he going to say to you? What were you going to say to him? Had he only interrupted because it would have looked bad to your friends? Maybe he was –

No okay, that was the wrong emotion to focus on. You walk along the first floor landing, heading to where you remembered Logan's older brother's bedroom was (who you knew was currently at uni), as you figured if Logan got lucky he would want to use his own bedroom, and you did not want that interruption. think? Maybe you were feeling excited. Tom was jealous, you were sure. How he had interrupted you and Ryan would certainly suggest he was jealous, wouldn't it? The issue you were trying to glean is whether he still wants you, and you're pretty sure the answer to that was yes. You just needed to hear it.

You finally reached Arthur's door and headed straight in, again not bothering to look behind you as you walked across the tidy, unused room, folding your arms and breathing in as you faced the bed. The first indication that Tom had followed you came from the sound of the door clicking shut behind you.

You didn't turn around.

The room was deafeningly silent as you waited. You didn't know where Tom was, if he was standing or sitting somewhere, by the door or close to you, what he was thinking...

You closed your eyes, trying to work out what you were going to say first, then felt a soft touch on your elbow. You turned your head slightly to your shoulder.

"Luka..." He whispered, and you almost jumped at how close his voice was, almost right next to your ear. You then felt his body against your back, and the fingers grazing your arm transformed into a strong hand, which were then pulling as if to turn you around.

If you turned around, you would kiss him, you knew you would. The tug in your chest wanted you to.

You stepped forward, away from his body, out of his grasp. You heard him exhale.

"Luka please." His voice echoed from behind you, and you suddenly felt the urge to cry. Why did he sound like he was upset? Why had you even done this?

You finally turned round. If you were gonna be emotional, might as well face him. Tom was looking at you with sad eyes, rooted to the spot in the middle of the bedroom, while you were standing closer to the bed.

You dropped your hands, shaking out your fingers a little, and rolled your shoulders, taking a deep breath. Here goes.

"Luka I just want to-" You held up a hand to stop Tom speaking. You were having a rare surge of confidence that would inevitable buckle if you let his smooth voice draw you down. His mouth snapped shut.

You felt a lump rise in your throat, like just before you throw up, sticking your mouth and your tongue together. You prayed that when you opened your mouth you wouldn't projectile over this boy.

"Care to explain what that was about downstairs?" You said, somehow without your voice cracking, and with no vomit. Tom exhaled and looked at the floor, scratching his head, his fingers ruffling his hair just like when you-

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