Having The Feels

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The next week, Saturday morning, your brother messaged the group again to say they were all going to a party. Silver peeked over your shoulder at the ding of the notification.

"What do you think?" You asked, chewing your bottom lip.

"Well...we do like a party." She replied with a grin. "Maybe...do you think Tom will be there?" Your stomach did a flip-flop.

"I suppose, it sounds like everyone is going." You thought aloud, but when you looked at your best friend, her expression made you uncomfortable. "What are you thinking?"

"Well," She smiled. "He hasn't spoken to you yet, right?" You shook your head. "Maybe we can encourage him to do something."

"Silver, just tell me what's going through your evil mind." You groaned, but her smile just grew wider.

"Simple, we go to the party, dance with someone else, Tom gets soooo jealous that he has to admit he wants you."

You breathed. Watching your best friend with glee on her face as she explained her brilliant plan, but you just got a sinking feeling.

"You want me to play the same game that got me in this mess?"

"Yeah...makes it nice and ...cyclical?" She questioned, not even sure herself, and we both burst out laughing. "Even if it doesn't work, it'll be fun. We can get dressed up, find ourselves some nice arm candy, have a great time."

"It's so childish." You said, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"But you need an answer. You've been pining for him for two weeks now, and neither of you are talking about it. Worst case scenario, he doesn't go for it, you have your answer either way."

You thought about it. And thought about it some more. Silver had some truth in her words, but you really didn't know if you wanted to go back to acting like you were in high school, using someone to make the object of your affection jealous.

On the other hand, you wanted your answer, and you were too anxious to outright ask him.

"Okay." You finally sighed. "Fine, what the hell. If it goes tits up I can at least drown my sorrows."

Silver squealed and jumped up.

"Yay! Right, we need to get you an outfit that makes any person looking at you drool, which means..." She trailed off, raising her eyebrows. You groaned.

"Nooo I hate shopping!" You whined, but she grabbed your hand and pulled you up off the sofa.

"Honey I know your clothes, nothing will cut it."

"Hey my clothes are fine! Got him to sleep with me in the first place, didn't it?" You defended.

"Yes," She agreed whilst pushing you to the door, collecting your bags and phones as you went. "But now we need him to need you. I know just the place."

A few hours later, you had a new outfit, and you were feeding pasta to yourself and Silver while she did your hair, music blasting through your apartment, singing along.

The party was at Logan's house, because he was rich and had his own townhouse, but that meant either a 25 minute train ride, or a 15 minute taxi that would cost £30. You had about three hours until you were due to leave, hopefully arriving when it was in full swing.

You thought about Silver's plan.

"So...what do I have to do? To make Tom admit that he..." You waved the fork in the air, looking at her in the mirror as she wound another piece of hair around the curler.

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