Party City Girl

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With Silver's support, a few more conversations over the next few hours, and a couple of days of much needed good night's sleep, you arrived at a conclusion in your mind. A conclusion that you felt relatively okay with, that freaked you out, but also excited you a little bit.

You tried to spend as long as possible going over and over your thought. Weighing up the good and the bad, the pros and the cons, but you always ended up back at the same thought.

You had realised that you wanted to see Tom again. You wanted to kiss him again. You wanted a lot more from him.

Everytime you thought about his hands on you, or his mouth on yours, you felt ripples through your body, making you warm, making you feel fuzzy and tingly, sending a millions thoughts through your head about what else you wanted him to do to you.

Yes, you were very aware that you had been the one to stop things on Sunday morning, but back then, you had thought that was the right thing to do. Aside from your parents, Harrison was the most important person in your life, and you didn't want to betray him, or hurt him. But, as Silver had so rightly pointed out, as long you told Harrison sooner than later, he'd get over it.

Now, you just had to talk about it with Tom. Tom, who you had not spoken to since he left you at your house.

You had debated texting him, or calling him, invite him over and just hash it out, but you chickened out every time. It was now the longest you'd gone without talking to him directly, and in your group chat, you only replied to Harrison.

It comes round to Thursday, and you still feel confident in your decision. It's like whenever you wanted to buy something, you always took a picture of it, and waited a few days. If you forgot about it, you never wanted it. If you kept thinking about it, you bought it.

And you hadn't stopped thinking about Tom.

Thursday evening, Harrison messages the group chat that a few of the guys were heading over. You typed out a quick reply saying you were grabbing the pizza and would be there asap. Tom was silent. I mean, he lived with your brother, he probably knew this. One of them often messaged just to tell you to get your butt over.

You debated changing your clothes, but you also needed a shower. A shower would take too long if you had it now, and if you sat down on your bed undressed you wouldn't leave, and you would go straight to sleep. So, you made the decision to shower at Harry's. Maybe Tom would join you...

You grabbed some pizzas out your freezer, grabbed your bag and keys, and head out the door. It takes 4 minutes to walk from your flat to your brothers, and you were soon waltzing into the property that you may as well call your own.

"The oven better be on!" You yelled as you pulled your key out the lock and shut the door behind you. You heard a set of footsteps, then your brother appears at the end of the hallway.

"Of course, I am no rookie." Harrison said, smiling as you walked up and hugged him. "Tom with you?" He asked, looking over your shoulder.

"Umm...why would Tom be with me, he lives here?" You frowned.

"Huh. He went out earlier. I called him to tell him when to be back by and heard a girl laugh, assumed it was you." He explained, while you expertly hid the fact that it felt as though your stomach had stabbed it's way through your body and dropped out your ass.

Tom? Out with a girl? He wouldn't...would he?

"Probably background noise." You commented, hoping you were true. You'd finally decided what you wanted, were ready to tell him, you willed for Tom to not already be moving on. Harry nodded as you made your way to the kitchen, and he took the pizzas and shoved them in, while you went through your phone.

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