The Diaries

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"Father tell us another story." Rosemary asked her father as he and her mother put her to bed.

"Now now, don't be greedy." Alcina said to her. "You've already got one. What did we teach you about humbleness, my dear butterflies?"

"Please Father." Constantine begged him, laying another bed next to Rosemary. "We'll study extra hard tomorrow if you do. Pretty Please."

Ethan smiled as he realised what a good opportunity this might be. "Well... I can read you Village of shadows again." he offered.

"No father, we've heard that so many times already. Can you try something new please?" she pleaded. Rose loved this book, she couldn't get enough of it. But not tonight.

"I think I've got something for you. My Grandmother used to tell me this one." he smiled and his children peaked up. Alcina too was intrigued.

"Once upon a time, there was a girl sitting on a lodge in the forest. The girl was crying and out of nowhere, a witch approached her."

"Uhh a witch. Like our sisters?" Rose asked.

"Exactly." Ethan smiled and continued. "The witch asked the girl what was wrong. The girl then told her that she had broken her parents favorite vase. The family was very poor and the vase was one of the few valuable things they possessed."

Rose and Constantine shared and uneasy look and Ethan grinned on the inside. He knew that these two little rascals had broken a vase earlier today in one of the halls. Bela saw everything and informed her parents. But instead of calling and punishing them immediatly, they decided to convince their children to admit their mistake. Taking responsibility was a valuable lesson and and important part in growing up.

"The witch then offered the girl a ring that, if rotated three times, she could travel one hour into the future. That way she could avoid punishment. Overcome with joy, the girl accepted. She returned home and used the ring. However, the girl used the ring again and again whenever she wanted to avoid consequences. Before she knew it, she had grown old and her hair turned grey. Once again, the girl found herself crying on the lodge in the forest. And once again, the witch appeared and asked her what's wrong. The girl told her of her misery and begged the witch to take it back, to fix things. She promised to never take everything for granted ever again. The witch gave her a stern look and pointed a finger at her before reversing time and then vanishing. The girl was happy again and returned home to her punishment. Because she now knew that it was better than the alternative and she swore herself to be a good girl from now on."

When Ethan had finished, Rose and her brother shared another look before confessing to their little crime. Satisfied, Lady Dimitrescu gave each of them a good night kiss and told them that they wouldn't punish them this time.

"You did good." she said to her husband when they left. "That was quite a story you made up."

"It wasn't made up." he confessed. "My grandmother really did tell me that story very often when I stayed over."

"Oh? Well it was very interesing regardless." She gave her husband a kiss. "I'll take our other daughters to bed, feel free to return to our chambers."

"Thank you, honey." he said.

Ethan began looking for a nice book to read until Alcina returned. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela were very playful so it would take a while. His attention tonight however fell upon specific shelf, unmarked and unnamed books stacked up neatly behind the glass doors. Curious, he took one of the books and opened it.

It was Alcinas diary from the year 1977. Ethan knew that his wife wrote diares but he didn't know where she kept them.

He put the book back in his place and began looking for the one from 2021. He took it and soon found the page she was looking for:

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