"Kris, come on hurry." Diane says more like shouts. I give my head a shake and pack everything.

The three of us exit the gym and the school. Now the pairs of eyes staring have only multiplied. Great! But I still have no idea what is happening here.

"Umm... Diane where are we going?"

"Shopping of course."

"I have way too much homework that needs to be done for me to go shopping today."

"Yeah, well you need a clear brain to do that, and you are way too distracted to focus on your homework. Hence, shopping it is. Now come on hurry. If we hurry, I might let you go early." Diane smirks ending what she was saying. I am...shocked, stunned and for some reason finding it really cute. Diane is blushing a little I am sure she realized what I am thinking.

Lee's bike is again packed into Diane's car's trunk. We settle in the car with Lee in the back and me on the passenger seat. I text Tori only for her to tell me that she already knows. Who told her? Well, I guess I was way too zoned out today to realize when they planned it all. Suddenly the car door opens and Amy seats herself beside Lee. Lee just raises her brows at that while Amy shrugs. I take in the scene. Not sure how this is going to end. Diane seems relaxed. Way too relaxed not to realize about the tension that is there in the back seat of her car.

Shopping is fun. Never thought I would say that. But it is. Amy has taken a liking to Lee and is now determined to find something that Lee would like. Leaving me and Diane alone. Not that I am complaining about that. But I want my best friend happy as well and not sulking, which might be the case. Diane is being decent and even sweet. She is including Lee in every weird idea she is thinking. Amy is a little busy sprinting in different directions.

After roaming about for half an hour, we end up at the food court here. It is busy here today. Which is odd considering I have never seen it busy every time I have been here. We all ordered slices of pizza and were eating it when suddenly Amy's eyes started sparkling. That looked a little creepy and before any of us could say anything. Amy just sprinted from her chair towards a store. We see her go over there, point something and then it seems like she bought it.

Amy gives Lee the thing she just bought. I am shocked and so is Lee, who asked me with her eyes, 'what is going on?'. I just shrugged because honestly, I have no idea. Lee takes out the thing and I see it is a bracelet.

"Do you like it?" Amy asks. Lee hugs her. Guess she likes it.

"Why do you want to buy me something Amy?" Lee finally asks the million-dollar question that has been on my mind during the whole trip.

"Because I was an asshole when we painted Kris' room. And I want to say sorry about it." Amy shrugs.

"Okay. But why? Like why do you care?"

"Because you're Kris' friend and I care about Kris."

"So, indirectly to please Kris." Lee smirks. I know what she is doing. I shake my head and Lee just winks at my direction.

"No Charlie. I...don't mind being your friend as well. But I understand if you don't want to be my friend." Amy replies and look down.

"Well...I don't mind having you as a friend. And you're Kris' friend already. I was just messing with you Amy. But you didn't have to gift me a bracelet to apologize."

"No that was because I...yeah okay. I didn't know." Lee chuckles. Amy just continues to look down. What is going on?

Lee opens her mouth to say something, but I beat her to it, "lay off will ya!" Lee smirks. I notice Diane is watching me closely.

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