i'm not scared

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Happy Halloween! The day of terror and fun, one most kids looked forward to to prank unsuspecting friends or innocent strangers, dressing up as their favorite superheroes, characters, or animals. The holiday was littered with neverending creativity and scares, all until the clock struck midnight and the festivities came to a sudden end.

The snow had melted away after the sun's strong rays broke through the gray clouds and heated the white fluff up, leaving no trace but wet cement marks behind along with dirty puddles. School had also kicked back up and you were back in classes, your leg boucing up and down as your professor was finishing off their lecture, announcing the project you had due next month.

It was a photography class, a creative class you were required to take for your credits and it seemed like an easy A, along with looking like a fun class. The project was capturing emotions in different settings like with nature, friends, structures/art, social events, and other things. The moments had to be real, they couldn't be staged so catching people doing stuff in the moment would be hard without being caught.

"Are there any other questions?" The professor asked before class was dismissed. The lecture hall was quiet for a moment before they gave the okay, students placing their backpacks on and shutting their laptops.

You grabbed your things and pulled out your phone, texting Marco and letting him know that you just finished your last class for the day. You two were going to figure out costumes together while Sasha finished up schoolwork.

There was going to be another small get together at Eren's house, a Halloween party. You were a little nervous considering what happened last time, but it'd be fun to hang out with all of them again.

I'll be there in a few minutes! Marco had texted and you placed your phone back in your pocket, stepping outside of the building into the crisp autumn air. The leaves were all turning to a blood orange, others a radish red and some a golden yellow. Brown leaves littered the ground, the crunch of students stepping on them drawing your eyes to their, watching a few leaves swirl around in the wind.

You started to think about Connie. It had been so long since you two first met, the weeks passing by like a flash in your mind. All the scenarios of you two playing through your head like a broken record, repeat after repeat of you two laughing, arguing, hugging, and even that one time awkwardly kissing in Eren's basement.

"Hey L/N, you gonna make me wait all day?" You snapped your head up to see Marco pulled up beside the curb, Connie seated in the passenger side as he started to blast "Mr. Blue Sky."

You smiled and headed over to the car, getting into the back middle seat. You put your seatbelt on and Marco started to drive and you could see him visually cringe at Connie's singing voice.

"I didn't know you were joining us," you spoke up, hoping that'd get Connie to stop singing.

"Well I still need a costume for tonight and Marco said you two were going shopping," Connie smiled at you and went back to singing, turning the music up.

You listened to Connie's singing voice all the way to the costume store, your ears finally getting a break when Marco parked and turned the car off.

"If you sing the whole way back, I will strangle you," you threatened and Connie laughed as the three of you got out of the car.

"You know I could beat you before you'd even touch me, right?" Connie pointed out and you opened your mouth to protest when Marco murmured, "Dude, you can't even win a fight against Armin."

Connie shot Marco a glare as you held in a laugh, knowing it really shouldn't be that funny, but it just was.

When you, Marco, and Connie entered the store, there were cheap costumes packaged everywhere. You looked around and wondered where the three of you should start, Connie already blazing off towards the masks.

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