hello again

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When you entered your dorm, you flopped down onto your bed, allowing yourself to be enveloped by the monstrous overflow of soft blankets you owned. You grabbed the (f/c) blanket and brought it up to your face, relaxing as it smelled of cinnamon and smoky wood—home.

"Hey Y/N," Sasha let the door slam behind her. You watched her walk over to her desk, setting all her stuff down, her keys clacking and clinking loudly.

"Hi," you replied but it came out muffled since the blanket was still brought up to your face.

Sasha looked over at you and smiled a bit before heading out to leave. Though she stopped and turned around with a quizzical look. "Would you want to come and get dinner with my friends and me?"

You sat there for a moment and thought about it. You and Sasha had never really hung out, and like she stated this morning, you two weren't exactly close. Maybe she was trying to change that now, and you were hungry.

"Sure," you sat up and wondered if you should change or not. You were wearing all black and what if her friends thought that was weird or something.

"We're gonna go to the Titan Café. It's about 3 blocks from here and we'll be meeting them all there," she walked over to you and grabbed your hand, pulling you up and off the bed.

"I don't think I've ever been there," you remembered seeing the Titan Café sometimes when you drove past it to get to your job, but you had never been inside.

"It's really good, c'mon, I'll tell you about everyone before we get there," you nodded your head and left the dorm with Sasha, a little excited but also nervous to meet everyone.


"So Jean, who I mentioned earlier when Connie was in our room, is a really nice guy. He's kind of an asshole sometimes and a flirt, but he's also the most compassionate guy I know. He's a real leader. Him and Eren don't get along though, so, if things get awkward I apologize for that. He's also been in love with Mikasa for forever now but she's too busy being entranced with Eren to even notice Jean. It's kind of sad, really."

"Eren is a hot-head. He's a really passionate guy and a little too serious for my taste, but he's super caring. He doesn't normally hang out with Jean, Connie, Marco, and I, but we're all still friends with him."

"Marco is probably the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He's so darn cute and adorable and he's best friends with Jean. He'll probably be talking with you a lot since he doesn't know you, but I think you two will really hit it off. You're kind of similar."

"Mikasa is pretty reserved. She comes off as cold and distant, but she's actually a really nice girl, just unfortunately extremely intimidating. I'm not sure if she'll really make an effort to talk with you, but I have a feeling she'll like you."

"Armin will absolutely love you. He's such a great guy and really smart too. He's super sweet and kind and will probably make it his effort to make you feel like you fit in. He's the definition of human happiness and sunshine if that helps paint a picture for you."

"Niccolo is my boyfriend, you've met him once I believe. He's kind of shy but he and I both love food a lot. He can be kind of blunt sometimes, but he means well. He's super loving, he may not admit it out loud, but he is. He's kind of someone you just need to get to know on your own terms."

"Finally, there's Connie. You met him this morning. Connie is just another version of me, we're practically twins. You haven't really seen me in action much, but you will. Connie really is a great guy and super funny too. But that's not all he is, he's so much more than that. He's kinda the glue that sticks us all together."

The way Sasha explained her friends to you seemed to ease your nerves a bit. They all seemed like really nice people, and Sasha was nice, so they all had to be nice too, right?

All of the friends you had were all still back at home, or somewhere else in the country. You still talked with them, but with your major, it made it hard to make time to talk with them. Plus, some of them were studying harder things than you were.

"Hey, you okay?" Sasha placed a hand on your shoulder, snapping you from your thoughts.

"Oh, um, yeah, just thinking about some of my homework assigments I still have to do."

"Okay, well, forget about your homework! We're having fun tonight instead, okay?"

"Sasha!" you heard a deep voice yell and Sasha let out a squeal, racing towards the figure. He had ashy brown hair and a long, handsome face. His smile was killer and there was that certain charm about him that most playboys had. That had to be Jean.

You watched the two hug as you awkwardly walked up, catching Jean's gaze.

"Who's this?" He asked and lifted a brow, throwing a side glance to Sasha.

"Oh, this is Y/N, she's my roommate," you smiled a bit as Jean nodded his head at you before suggesting they go inside.

You followed the two with your eyes trained on the ground. Your hands were covered by your black sweater's sleeves, hiding how much you were fidgeting them. It was always nerve-racking to hang out with a new group of people, especially when you had no idea who any of them were.

"Hey guys!" A cheerful male voice called out and you looked up, trying to decide who it belonged to. In front of you sat six people, five of them being men. At least you now knew who Mikasa was.

She was a beautiful girl, with short black hair and pale skin. Her eyes were a stormy gray and they really complemented her complexion. She had a scar on her cheek and you wondered where she got it from, but told yourself you wouldn't ask. She was sort of petite but definitely looked like she could pack a punch. Sasha was right—intimidating.

There was a guy with brown hair parted down the middle, the style that was in right now for men. His eyes were a warm brown and freckles were splashed across his cheeks and nose. He was really adorable and it made you wonder if that was Marco.

The male next to him had blonde, shaggy hair that just covered his ears. He had big blue eyes and rosy cheeks, probably rosacea, something you always found quite attractive. He was definitely one of the smaller guys there, but he gave off very protective vibes.

Across from him was a guy with long brown hair pulled back into a half-up half-down hairstyle with a couple pieces framing his face. He was devilishly handsome, with blue-green eyes and facial features sharp enough to cut skin. He was muscular, definitely more built than the rest of the guys here.

Niccolo, Sasha's boyfriend, came up from
behind you. He smiled as he brushed past you to sit down, his blonde wavy hair falling into his eyes.

And finally-


The heat rushed to your face as those honey-golden eyes stared at you like you were death itself. You swallowed hard and felt your heart begin to pound. They were all staring at you now (not like they were before or anything) with curious gazes. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.

"Connie, be nice," Sasha scolded and pulled your arm to bring you closer to her.

"Everyone, this is Y/N. I expect you all to treat her with kindness and respect. Non-friendly behavior will not be tolerated," she shot a glare at Connie before sitting down.

"Nice meeting you," they all chimed, but Connie just glared.

"Yeah, nice to see you again," his voice dripped with sarcasm and all you could do was chuckle nervously.

Yeah, this would be fun.

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