━ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

Comincia dall'inizio

Finally, the door banged open and Aelyn marched out. 

"Let's go," She declared with her hands on her hips. Kai's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"The audacity-!"

"I can go back in and touch up my bronzer if you'd like," Aelyn smirked, cutting him off.

"Oh god, no!" Kai sprung up from the sofa and followed Aelyn out the door, cracking a joke about how late they were about to be. 

They arrived at the stage, surveying the busy scene with wide eyes. Backstage employees and helpers were bustling from one side of the lot to the other, carrying clipboards, paperwork, outfits, and mechanical equipment. They shouted out to one another frantically, speed-walking across the pavement. 

"Wisteary! Arily!" Wilbur strode over to them, pushing through the crowd and waving an arm in the air. His normal gray trenchcoat that usually hung off his lanky frame was replaced by an oversized mustard yellow sweater. "They need you to try on stage outfits before we rehearse, I think Rose and Contruier are already over there, it's to the left," He pointed to a large backstage tent. 

"Got it. Where are we rehearsing?" Aelyn asked. 

"Over there," He pointed to the right side of the stage where a drum set and a few microphones were being set up.

The pair made their way to the tent, admiring the bustle of the backstage crew. At the door, a tall curly-haired brunette greeted them in a cheerful British accent.

"Hello!" He motioned for them to come inside, following them in. 

The inside of the tent was anything but spacious, racks of clothes and several counters' worth of makeup and hair supplies crowded in the small outdoor tent. A few dividers were haphazardly placed in the corner, creating small individual dressing rooms. 

The man gestured to two basic office chairs and the bandmates sat. 

"I'm Eret," The man introduced himself with a soothingly deep voice, "I'll be in charge of your appearance on stage and during events throughout the tour." He turned his back for a moment, rifling through a drawer and pulling out a worn notepad and a purple pen. 

"Before I can give you clothes, however, I need your measurements, and then we can look at styles you want to work with over the summer." He looked between the two. "So, who first?" Aelyn volunteered, standing uncomfortably as he poked and prodded her body, wrapping a measuring tape around every curve and nook of her frame, occasionally scribbling away on his clipboard. Kai went next, shifting back and forth between his feet as Eret worked his magic. Then Eret shuffled through racks of clothes, stopping to glance at his clipboard a few times. 

After a couple of minutes, he handed Aelyn a plaid pink dress. "Here, try that on," He said, pointing to the small dressing room in the corner. She thanked him and then ducked behind the room divider to change and then he handed Kai his outfit. 

Aelyn emerged wearing the dress and Eret clapped happily. "Do a spin!" She giggled and spun around, the pleats of the skirt flying out. "Here, wait," He turned around and grabbed a long necklace, and clasped it around her neck. 

She grinned. "Perfect." 

Kai smiled, walking out of his room. "Ready to go?"

"Yup," She agreed, her ice blue eyes matching his with a certain sparkle you can only find between the best of friends, and believe me, they were the best of friends. 

"Break a leg," Eret wished as they waved goodbye and left the cramped tent. The pair wandered over to the stage lazily. Aelyn was suddenly feeling slightly nervous about how much skin the off-the-shoulder dress showed, her insecurities taking over her mind as they walked. Kai sensed her nervousness and interlocked his hand with hers for reassurance, squeezing it softly, though he thought the anxiety was about performing live for such a large audience. 

"Wisteary!" Camille yelled, running up to the girl excitedly from the stage. 

"Cam!" Aelyn cried back with the same enthusiasm as her friend and bandmate.

Camille looked her up and down. "Oh my god, you look great! Hold on, gimme your phone."

"Why?" She asked, confused.

"To take pictures! You look way too cute to not post on Instagram," She explained, not bothering to hold back giggles. 

"Fine," Aelyn agreed, rolling her eyes with a smile. "Only if you post yours too," She added on slyly. 

"Deal. Now pose," Camille waved her over. 

"That's bullshit!" Marshall called out. "Why do they get to perform first?!" 

Niki sighed. "You get to perform second because you match the Feral Boys energy better, so B.E.A.T. gets to be the opener."

"That's so unfair," Mars declared for the fourth time in five minutes.

"Deal with it. I don't get paid enough to care," She joked in her sweet accent. 

"Niki!" Mars feigned hurt as he clutched his hand to his chest dramatically, enticing a giggle from his manager. 

"Okay, get on stage, I want you to play Moonlight first, and then Hate me," Niki ordered. "If we have time before the seats start filling in, then play Chrysanthemum too," 

"Got it," Juno nodded. 

The band hopped onto stage and got into position and Juno counted them off. 

Mars pulled the mic off the stand and close to his mouth as the upbeat melody increased, leaning towards the beat drop. The song played off of Angel's keyboard skills, crescendo-ing right before the beat drop where Mars picked up with the lyrics and Jade layered in aggressive guitar chords before backing down as Mars started the chorus. 


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞

I'M BAAAAAAAAACK! After taking about a month-long break, I'm back! And don't worry, you should be getting more regular updates now :))


ᴛʜᴇ sᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴏғ sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ // mcyt apply fic // ᶜˡᵒˢᵉᵈDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora