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How stupid of me! I break my promise again. I should have known by now that these people are the one who would die for me.

My own parents hate me but I am rewarded with a couple who took me in as their own blood and love me no matter what.

A brother was taken from me and God gift me more brothers who love me unconditionally, and protect me in whatever situation.

Lovers...yes lovers... Where most people has a lover, I am blessed with two and it makes my life more meaningful. To have someone you called lover who would love you amd and accept every part of you.

Jin, Namjoon, Yonggi, Jimin, Hobi, Jungguk and Jungkook--my life, my eternity.

After the talk, I finally realised how stupid idiot I can be. Selfish too because, I am always about my own heart and feelings. If only I am more sensitive for them, I really ashamed of myself.

I walk out to see everyone sitting quietly at the living room with some cakes and coffees on the table but O notice a hot chocolate too then my eyes went straight to Mom and walk over to him.

He pull me to sit next to him ans and Dad takes his place so I'm in the middle of them.

My love sitting in front of me, Suga sit on a single chair next to Mom with Jimin at the side while Hobi hyung on a single chair next to him.

All of them has a worried face like I'm going hate them or something which will never happened. All this while I know that these people in the room will always stay by my side no matter what happen but my insecure heart denied it.

Even so, I with insecure heart place them as the most important people in my life, the one I couldn't live without - - eveb my heart denied their love for me.

"I am mad angry right now....with all of you....." I said with pouting face.

"But baby why... Who make my baby angry? Who I need to kill?" Mom respond almost immediately.

He is willing to kill anyone who make me sad or angry and I know it's not just talk.

"Love...what's wrong? Tell us... Did we hurt you? Is it us?" Jungkook softly trying to understand me like always.

"Baby... I'm sorry if it's us....or maybe just me? I didn't notice if accidentally hurt you... Please don't be like this." Gguk plea is the cutest.

"Bear... If we make you sad, we are sorry. Tell me what you want? Your hobi angel will do anything for my bear."

"Just tell us what can we do for you to not be mad anymore? We'll do anything..." Jimin hyung said then I look at Suga. "Everyone in this room is wrap around your finger bear..." Suga said smiling. "We all love you so much, we will die for you."

"NO! Don't said it like that! If you die, I die with all of you! What's the point of living alone?! DON'T DIE ON ME!"

" I promise we will always come back to you, love."

"So why are you mad baby bear?" Suga hyung ask.

"Because all of you forgot my birthday at the hospital!" After the childish announcement I cross my arms with a pout.

All eyes went wide and I am giddy because I know they are going to spoil me to the bone and from now on I decided to be shameless, at least around them.

Mom: "Oh my goody baby! I forgot!"

Jungkook : Baby...... I'm so sorry... Tell me what you want....anything...

Jungguk : I do anything just don't leave....

Jimin : Bear!!! I'm so sorry.....

"How could... None of you remember..."

"Baby.. Baby.. Please don't cry... We can always celebrate.. How about tomorrow? We all can....." Jungkook panic plea is cute.

I notice how dad, Hobi and Yonggi hyung smile looking at them begging me sorry and they can tell that I was only playing.

"Tae bear... We were all too focus on you we don't even remember the date. Please forgive us bear. I will cook your favourite and how about a holiday?" Mom trying to persuade me.

Of course I know why all of them don't remember because they were too busy to make sure I am alive and well again.

"Are you enjoying the attention?" Dad whisper in my ear when the panic ones were throwing promises all at the same time to make me forgive them.

"How can I not.... Thank you dad... I Love You.." I hug him tightly and after a while all the noises stop. We separated to see all eyes on us.

"Why only your daddy? How about me? You don't love your mom?"

"Of course I do." I said it after I pull him into a warm motherly hug.

Of course everyone claim their turn to the hug from me and I am gladly to give it to them.

It is decided I will no longer questiones the love they have for me.

Twin Mafia's Lover.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora