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I woke up to a clear mind, happy and feeling love. Everything was answered last night and I did feel bad for putting down their love for me easily, especially to Mom and Dad.

I can't blame Bogum too because he make judgement based on my stories and he didn't really know my family. Maybe he just wanted to protect me.

Looking at the time, its still early morning and the twins was still asleep with me squashed in the middle by their buff muscle. I'm feeling of taking a long hot dip to ease the pain and sore.

Yes... We make love yesterday, mind-blowing and I love to be sandwich by them and when I love to be that extreme means consequences.

After the bath tub filled with hot-warm I put in a scented bath bomb and let my self to be soak underwater.

I turn on a classical music and relaxing my mind and body. I never felt this calm ever in my life. This is the first time ever I feel secure, yes that's the word. SECURE.

Eye lids getting heavy, like there is no more worries for me. Nothing to think of or be scared of.

I have lovely, caring and savage mom and dad, a wonderful protective brothers and amazing boyfriends.

"Angel... Love... Wake up...."

I open my eyes to meet Jungkook worried eyes and I am on the bed. They must have remove me from the tub.

"Baby... You could have drown in there." Jungguk said in worried tone.

"Is he awake?" I look at mom and dad.

"Taebear, you scared me. Why do you do that? Can't you sleep on the bed like normal people? What are you? Tortoise?" His nag is entertaining to me.

"I'm sorry, just try to ease out the sore and fell asleep. Sorry mom, dad." I smile.


"Aowww.. What?!"

Out of no where Mom smack Jungkook and Jungguk head from behind.

"You break him last night, that's why!"
Mom look furiously at both of my bunny looking boyfriends.

"Go easy on him guys..." That's all come out from Dad's.

My face is heating right now. Is it necessary to talk about this.. Now?!

"I'm hungry..." That's all I said to change the topic so I get up and walk out leaving them.

"Good morning Suga hyung!" I hug him and he return it.

"Morning Tae...Let's eat. Hobi and Jimin are already in the kitchen."

I noded and show him my boxy smile.

"You are precious!" He said and I took his hand and head to the kitchen.


"Morning baby..."

"Morning Bear..."

I take a sit and seconds later, it seems the meeting about my sex life earlife had adjourned because the members are now in the kitchen.

That's the start of a wonderful morning and a very memorable vacation ever. All of us spend time together, even though time to time each of them need to attend some calls about work, and before going to bed they take turn to attend work related matter to make sure I am not feeling lonely or left alone.

They did everything that I want, shopping, beach, amusement park, BBQ. I just wish to remain like this forever but I know its too much to hope for.

Two weeks gone by very fast until the day we have to return home and get back to our normal lives.

"I don't want go home yet kookie..."
I whine.

"We will travel again love but going hoke doesn't mean you will be far from us. What matters is we were together, right?"

I smile, he is right. As always.

"Yes baby , from now on we will always spend time together. . No worries." Ggukie convince me.

"I have never been this happy ever in my life. Do you believe it?" I chuckle when a tear drop to my cheek and I was quick to dry it.

"My life before was hell, torture. I was treated like an animal at some point I see my self equal as animal. I believe that I don't deserve to be happy, they make me believe that I am a son of satan. If it is not because of Jin and Namjoon hyung I would be dead by now."

Jungkook was quick to pull me into his arms and I snuggle my face to his chest. I can feel a kiss behind my head and turn to Jungguk for a hug too.

"Thank you so much for loving me, for giving me the chance to feel love, for accepting me."

"Don't say that love, we love you unconditionally. We are full of flaws too yet you accept us without judging our work."

We shared soft kisses, sweet romantic kisses and again I shed tears.

"Baby, why?"

"Just too happy... I love you."

I kiss Jungkook on the lips softly, no lust, no tongue involve and move to Jungguk. I have to be fair!

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