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Jungmi :

"Thank you so much for your contribution to the school Sir, we really appreciate your kindness." He look so pleased with the amount of money that I have invested for the school.

"I don't need your thank you, let me be honest. I did it for a reason, I am sure that you are not being told yet but I am the new owner of the school for about 2 hours now. They gladly sell the school to me so basically I invested on my own property so I expected the school to improve in many ways."

The college principle look shocked at the news and later a he received a phone call that confirm my statement. He look nervous, maybe afraid of losing his highly paid salary.

"No worry, everything will remain the same but I want the school facilities to be more modern to assist the students and THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.....REMEMBER...." my voice become a darker.

"Kim Taehyung..."

"why sir? do you want him expelled? I'll do it right away!" This guys need to be teach to shut up while people are still talking.

"LISTEN! He is my son, if anything happen to him. You will pay for it! And he can't know about this and no special treatment either. Treat him equally like anybody else. Got it?"

This man is trembling like stupid and keep saying yes. I walk away from the meeting room.

"He is in the library sir." My right man told me.

Its break time, why is he not in the cafe? I head to the library and from afar I see him doing his work alone. He is the only one in the library apart from the librarian who sits at the front counter.

"Hai Taehyung." I take a sit next to him.

"You are Uncle Jungmi, from the lake right? I still remember." I see he is still shy but a bit more confident.

"You have a good memory." His smile is cute.

"What are you doing here?"

"To see you, Taehyung. How is your life so far? You does seem a lot more better than the last from when I see you."

He show his boxy smile and nodded, he looks happy.

"I am happy now, I have new families who love me." My heart like to explode looking at him. This boy is something. He has the aura of innocence in him.

"Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon right?" His face changes, look a bit scared.

"Don't worry Taehyung, I know because Kim Seokjin is my nephew. He told me about you and turn out its a boy who I met at the lake."


This is all because of Seokjin, when I call him to know if my plan work he didn't told me shit. Wanting me to find out my self and here I am feeling awkward. I can't ask the twins because I don't want to rub pain to the one who isn't chosen so I have to find out my self.

"I want you to feel comfortable with me Tae, since Jin and Namjoon are your new parents so you are my family too." How the hell to find out which of my sons is his boyfriends. Its going to be so awkward to suddenly asking about his love life and I just can't wait anymore. I need more time with him.

"Thank you so much for that uncle."

"How about I send you home later? Usually, how do you get home?"

"Errmmm....it's okey uncle. I am sure my boyfriends wouldn't like it. I don't want them to be worry."

I think I have a slight hearing problem.

"You said boyfriends, dear? Them?"

Tae's face redden at my question so I am hearing things right. Is he cheating on my son?

"Erm...yes...Them, they are twins." This is where I'm surprised...very surprised.

"You love both of them? Equally?"

"Yes, Jungguk and Jungkook are very good to me." Everything is clear now. All my answer has been answered.

No wonder none of them shows a sign of disappointment or sad.

No wonder they are always together. I thought the other couldn't let go and keep rubbing on each other relationship.

This is also why, Kim fucking Seokjin want me to find out about it my self.

After done talking to Taehyung, I went home and while in the car I call Jin.

"Got your answer uncle? Does it meet you expectation." I know that he is teasing me and enjoying his moment.

His laugh made me want to kill him.

To answer Jin's question. It was beyond my expectation and I am glad and happy for them. I never expected it to be like this but as long as none of them got hurt or heartbroken I guess its the best for everyone.

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