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The corporation is getting more successful. We expand too various industries and lead them all so does the mafia. Jeon Mafia territories are expanding worldwide and the black market is under our control.

The only and thing about this is we are no longer the ghost, Jeon mafia are known and popular in the underworld so me and Gguk decided to change our mafia name to Ghost mafia as we don't want the title ghost to vanished completely and avoid people to suspect that Jeon Corporation is related the underworld.

So instead of Jeon Mafia, we spread the news and rumours to change the name and take out Jeon name from the underworld.

Depending on situation, me and Gguk will help Hana at Jeon Corporation as she can't make decisions on a lot of things especially when it comes to dealing with other companies who wish to work together with us.

"Hana I have read the proposals amd and shortlisted the one that we can consider. The others that got rejected please inform them and include the reason of it so they will know that we read it all."

Hana smile happily when half of the work was done by me and Gguk. She has been complaining the she can't even spent time with Taehyung and the worst when she found out we went for holiday without her.

"Thank you! I can't handle this alone anymore!"

"I know sweetheart, we will help you all the way. Its our responsibility too."

She noded agree and walkout saying goodbye.

Gguk has been gone for a while now. He is suppose to fetch Tae at the mall because he want to hang out with his friends from university at the mall.

"Helo Gguk?"


"What do you mean?"

"I get here to fetch him from the restaurant that he texted and when I get there his friends said he went to the toilet so I look for him and he is not there. Me and our men is searching the whole building but still nothing!"

"Keep looking, I will access the CCTV!"

Shit! Shit! I feel the blood drain from my face, for a while I'm lost.. Scared... If something going to happen to him.

I inform the rest of our inner circle and Jin come rushing inside my room, face wet and red.

While Jin on couch crying and praying in silent, Namjoon help me to watch the CCTV to look for Taehyung.

"THERE!" Namjoon pointed at one of the CCTV camera.

I zoom in to see he walk out of the toilet and bump into someone. A man.

They talk for a while, Tae look scared of the man since the beginning he saw his face and Tae start to shake his head and body when the man grab his hand and tried to drag him.

When Tae struggle he slap him so hard that Tae fainted and he pick him up to the nearest car park exit.


Jin hyung come running from the couch to watch the recording. I notice Jin focusing on the small face of the kidnapper from the recording like he know him so I waited.

"I think that is his f..fa..father."

"Are you sure baby?" Jin pause looking again.

"Jin hyung...."

"Positive.... That's the satan who abused him and make his life a living hell." Jin's said in anger, his hand shaking.

"I know where he live, he must have taken Tae to their home. The night you guys found him, he escaped from home and even after 2 months they still linger around the club looking for Tae."

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