"Have you really thought about that?" Pharm asked worriedly when they were sitting on Team's bed. Team nod. "I have and I think this is the only solution. My mother says we don't have to get married yet, but she wants us to get engaged. Araya seemed really excited about it and my parents are also happy. I can't disappoint them by turning down her proposal" Team said. "Have you already said yes?" Pharm asked. Team shook his head. "She asked me to take some time to think about it. She wants me to be sure about it." "What about..what about..P'Win? I thought..I thought you like him?" Pharm asked..almost whispering. "Hia has left. He is gone. I should accept that. He is in New York now. And..he has a girlfriend" Team whispered the last word while trying not to cry. Pharm could not believe what he just heard. "He..he has a girlfriend? How..I mean..I thought..Team I am so sorry" Team shook his head. "Don't be. I should have known, that my feelings for him will not be returned. I am just his junior. It's ok. I'm ok. Don't worry about me." Pharm knew Team was lying. He was not ok. He was hurt. He was hurt because the person he has feelings for does not feel the same. Pharm could not imagine how he would feel if Dean would not return his feelings. He could not imagine how Team must feel right now. "Don't worry about me, Pharm. I have accepted that Hia Win has a girlfriend. I at least hope she can make him happy. He deserves to be happy." Team smiled sadly, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. "I bet she is pretty, funny..smart, like him. Someone smart would be a great fit for him. Not someone..as stupid and moody as I am." "How could you say that?! Team, you are an amazing person. You are funny, nice..you are the best swimmer I know. Why do you always think so low about yourself?", Pharm asked his best friend with a shocked expression. "Manaow and I will always be by your side, no matter what. And if you are really sure about the engagement..we will support you" Pharm tried to convenience him. "Thank you, Pharm. Yes. I think this is the best thing I can do."

A few days later, Pharm and Dean were sitting on Dean's bed. Pharm had his head on Dean's thighs, while the older was stroking his hair gently.

"I can't believe Team is engaged," Pharm said, while he and Dean were sitting on his bed. "I really thought, there was something between him and P'Win." Dean tried to comfort his boyfriend, but he was not less shocked about the announcement of Team's engagement. "Me too. I really thought Win would fight for Team. I wouldn't have thought, that he would give up this fast." Pharm was looking at his boyfriend in surprise. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. "I..I should not have said anything." "Dean? Do you mean..Win has feelings for Team?" Dean nodded. "Win is deeply in love with Team. His love for Team was the reason he left. He could no longer stand the thought of Team having a girlfriend." Pharm could not believe what he just heard. P'Win was in love with Team, too?!

Team did not know, how he got there. He really just wanted to spend a night alone, but Pharm and Manaow wouldn't let him. Did he really seem so desperate? That his friends had no other choice but to invite him over? Now he was sitting on Dean's bed, while he and Pharm were discussing where to go to eat to. Normally Team loved talking about food. Which food to eat, when to eat, where to eat, how much to eat..But right now, he really did not care. All he wanted to do was to go home and lay in his bed. Team was lost in his thoughts when he heard Pharm's voice. "Team?" "What?", Team asked confused. "Did you not hear me? I asked you where you want to order the food from" Pharm asked concerned. "I don't care. I am not really hungry" he said. "You?! You are not hungry? Are you really ok, Team?", Pharm asked again. "Yes. Don't worry about me. I have already eaten before I came here" the black-haired boy lied. "What about the new imbiss nearby? I have heard the burgers are amazing there" Dean suggested. "Burger sounds nice. What do you think, Team?" Pharm looked at his best friend, but Team did not really pay attention to the topic. He had no appetite. All he wanted was to go to sleep soon. "I am really not hungry. Would you mind if I stay here until you come back?" he asked his best friend. "Sure not. Dean, do you mind if Team waits here for us?", the cute boy asked his boyfriend. "No, of course not. But if you change your mind and want us to bring you something, just call Pharm", the president of the swim club said. "Thank you. But I am really not hungry", Team said with a smile. Soon after, he was left alone in Dean's room. This felt strange. Team has never been in Dean's room alone. He tried to kill time by playing video games on his phone. Team loved that kind of games. But somehow he was not in the mood for video games either. The raven-haired boy was sitting on the floor, with his back laying against Deans's bed when he suddenly heard a sound on Dean's laptop. It was a notification for a video-call. Team's heart skipped a beat when he saw who the video call was from. "Hia Win" he whispered shook. Team did not know why, but he answered the call. The moment he saw Win's face, his heart started beating even faster. "Team?" Win whispered surprised.

"Ahhm, Dean and Pharm are not here", Team said, almost not audible for Win. The blonde's heart jumped in his chest when he heard the junior's voice. He froze for a few seconds, not able to say anything. Win forced a smile. "How are you?" he asked softly. 'I feel horrible without you', Team thought. "I am fine. The usual school stress. Nothing else", Team lied. "Oh, I see. But don't worry. I am pretty sure if you learn enough you will pass every test. I have tutored you. I know that you are way smarter than you think", Win said, while smiling. "Dean is not here," Team said. "I see. Do you know when he comes back?" Win asked. "It can't take long. He and Pharm are out eating." "Why didn't you join?" Win asked wondering. "I am not hungry" the younger replied sadly. "You? You are not hungry?! Team, are you not feeling well?" Now, Win really started to worry about the boy. Team would never say "NO" to food. Especially because he was sure Dean would have paid for everything since Pharm was with him.

Both were quiet for some time until Win broke the uncomfortable silence. "Dean has already told me the news. Team..you should have told me sooner. I am so happy for you. Who would have thought, that you would be married before Dean and Pharm? I really thought these two would be the first to tie the knot. You must be really excited", Win said, trying to sound happy for Team, but he was just a few seconds away from breaking down crying. "Don't you think it is too soon?" Team asked. Hoping Win would say something. 'Is this really everything you have to say, Hia? ' he thought to himself. He at least thought Win would say something like: Aren't you too young? Are you really sure you want to get married? Are you sure she is the right one? But Win seemed to be pretty ok with it. But why does it hurt so much? Why was Team so unhappy about the fact, that Hia Win was happy for him? Why did he want Win to yell at him? He wanted Win to tell him that he can't marry Araya. 'Team, please don't marry her. I..I love you. Please. I need you. Don't do it, I am begging you ' He wanted Win to tell him that he was about to make a big mistake. He wanted him to say that he was not the only one, who feels this way. That he, too, feels his heart beating faster in his chest, when he hears his voice, smells his scent, touches him.. But that's not the truth. Hia Win has a girlfriend. He does not have any feelings for him and the sooner he accepts that the better.

"Team, I am really happy for you," Win said and smiled. "Thank you Hia" Team replied. "But..I will only give my blessing to this marriage if you promise me something, Team" Win said jokingly. "Would you?" the blonde asked. "Promise? What Promise?" Team asked. Wins smile got softer. "Team, I need you to promise me..that you will be happy. Can you do this? Can you promise me to be happy?"

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