20: HOME

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"You don't have to tell me.  Whenever you feel like it," I reassured.

He looked down and took a breath.

"My father did it.  When I was thirteen, I went into a war meeting, was told to say nothing, but I spoke out anyway.  So my father took this as an offense to the Fire Nation, and I was told I had to fight in an Agni Kai.  A duel between firebenders.  But on that day, I saw that it was my father I had to fight, I begged for mercy.  And I didn't get any."

"He... your father did this?" I asked as we turned to face each other.


I looked at his face.  I've never seen Zuko without the scar.  I don't think I could imagine him without his scar, because I always saw it as a part of him.  But to Zuko, it was a memory.  

I looked into his eyes and put my hand on the scarred side of his face.  He put his hand on top of mine, but he didn't take my hand off like I thought he would.  He just held it there, and his other hand took my wrist 一 the one that had my scar on it 一 and held it.  I leaned forward to kiss him and got lost in his lips just as he did mine.  

"I waited for this," I said quietly.  "Thank you, Zuko."

He smiled. "Goodnight, Jin."

I nodded and walked out of the balcony and his room, and down the hall to mine.  It was late, Kyra was already in bed, half-asleep.  

I quietly got into clothes for sleeping, crawled into bed, and proceeded to look up at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep.  But so many thoughts ran through my mind.  Good thoughts, but still energetic.  It was probably hours until I fell asleep.

一 ꩜ 🌊 🌏 🔥 一

one week later

"I don't want you to go."

"I don't want to go."

"Then don't."

"Well, I do want to go.  I meant I don't want to leave you.  But I have to go back sometime."

"You're giving me the oogies over here!  Let's go!"

Kyra and I knew we had to go back to Ba Sing Se to see our families, of course.  We couldn't be without them for so long, and it had already been a little more than two weeks.  They missed us, and we missed them, too.  But we'd be back.  Surely.

"We're coming, Sokka," I called.  We were in front of the palace.  But while Zuko and I still stood at the door, Sokka, Katara, Kyra, and Aang were ready to take off.  

"I'll see you soon, Zuko."  I gave him one last kiss before I walked off, backward, as we held hands until I got too far, and he let go.  I climbed on top of Appa, and before I knew it, we had taken off and I was watching Zuko get smaller and smaller.  He disappeared as we went above the clouds.  

"You guys are cute," said Kyra.  "Too cute. Bleh." She fake gagged.

"Oh, please.  I'm sure you and Hakan are exactly the same."

"We are not."


In two days' time, we finally arrived in the gardens of the Elephant Koi Escape.  We said goodbye to our new friends and decided to stop in the Jasmine Dragon, being that we had time to spare.

"I hear you found my nephew."

"Iroh!  Yeah, I did, actually.  We forgot to tell you, didn't we?"

Iroh nodded. "I sent the letter and it came back with a reply that you were already there."

"Well, we're quick."

"Very.  I heard what you did in the capital town.  That was extremely brave of you both, standing up to three men.  Not only were you outnumbered, but you were out-strengthened."

"Yes," said Kyra.  "But they were outwitted."

Iroh smiled.  "I'll get you girls some tea.  It's nice to see you back in Ba Sing Se."

"It's nice to see you too, Iroh."

After half an hour at the tea shop, we took a train ride home, just in time for lunch.  I nearly fell asleep on the ride.

"Jin!  Oh, Jin, I'm so glad to see you."  Mother welcomed me inside with a tight hug.  Father did the same.

"We've missed you, Jin," he said.

"I've missed you all so much," I said.  "I have so much to tell you."

"And we've got so much to ask."

"Firstly," interrupted Grandfather.  "Did you get the boy?"

I smiled. "Yes, grandfather, I did."

Mother squealed. "We are the parents of the Fire Lord's girlfriend!  Oh, Jin, I'm so excited for you."

"What's that?" asked father, pointing to my staff, which I had left propped up against the wall by the door.

"It's mine," I said, picking it up and handing it to him. "It's a staff."

"For fighting?" he asked,

"Well, yeah, I mean, I... uh.. never really needed to use it, but, um..."

"Well, it's good that you found your way.  You know, your mother actually used to fight with a staff somewhat like this."

"She did?" I turned to mother.  "You did?"

"Well, yes, actually, and I was rather good.  Won a few matches, I did it competitively when I was your age."

"Why did you stop?"

"I didn't," she said.  "I had you."

"I told her not to," said Grandfather, sarcastically.  

"Now come on," said mother, leading me to the table, where food was set.  "Let's hear all about the trip.

I told them nearly everything.   Of course, I wanted to be allowed back, so I left out the part about the fight with Dezao in the streets.  I told them I found the staff while practicing, that I just decided to pick it up, and everything just flowed.  I told them stories of every day that I was there, and about the journey there, as well.  They asked multiple questions about the Avatar and his friends, too.   Another thing I didn't tell them about was Mai.  I don't know why, I guess telling the story would just make me feel bad.  I told them about Hakan, and they asked questions about him, as well.  of course, I didn't know everything, so I told them they'd have to question Kyra on that.  

Kyra's family had us over for a special home arrival dinner.  We talked even more, and Kyra's parents asked me many of the same questions that my own did.  I was extremely happy to be back in Ba Sing Se.  The palace was so lavish compared to our houses here in the lower ring.  but I liked this place.  It's home.  

no, this is not the end

there's a new beginning, and it goes with the comics, and gets exciting.  i fit jin in them.

eeee, I really hope you all like this

don't forget to vote!


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