19: TIME

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A week more passed. I spent my time training and fighting. Sokka proved a good match, and he was also training me, which helped me know him moves a lot better. Sometimes I won, and sometimes I lost. But every time I learned something.

Things with Zuko were at a stalemate. For the moment, at least, we were friends. We talked, we laughed, and had fun along with everyone else. But I felt a little bit like he was warming up to the idea of a relationship again. His last one had ended only because he felt interested in a new one.

I was going to give Zuko time. As much time as he needed. Because I wanted this, and I wanted Zuko to be sure he wanted it too. I'd wait for him to make the next move, and that was the only task at hand. Just waiting.

There had been a couple of meetings concerning the Harmony Restoration Movement, and some rebuilding villages that had been destroyed. Of course, only Aang and Zuko went inside. And only one of them found meetings worthy of listening to.

"So, what did the Mayor of Yu Dao say?" asked Katara, after the meeting was over.

"I don't know," said Aang. "All I heard was blah, blah, blah, and then something about peace."

"So you weren't listening," assumed Kyra. "Hey, I wouldn't have either."

"Kyra!" said Katara.

"What? Meetings sound boring. No offense, Aang, but I'm glad I'm not the Avatar."

"That's okay, they're good to fall asleep to," he said.

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Nothing happened much at all that week, really. Kyra continuously begged me to try and make the first move, but I like told her, he needed time.

"You know, you could always just wink at him from across the dining table."

"That's just weird."

"No, it isn't. It's flirty."

"Well, I don't want to be flirty."

"Suit yourself. You're losing your chances."

"I'm being patient."


We did go into town a couple of times, and though we got stares from some questionable-looking people, no one dared to try and take us on. We kept sending letters to our families. We did miss them a lot, but we had asked to come here for a reason, and it was very close to being fulfilled.

I was alone in the bedroom one afternoon when there was a knock on the doorframe. The door was open, so I didn't know why the person would knock.

"Can I talk to you?" said Zuko's voice. "Outside, maybe?"


I followed him, silently, to the yard.

"What is it?" I asked, taking a seat on the grass beside the pond, where the turtleducks swam happily.

"Well, I wanted to first say thank you. For being there for me, I mean. I'm glad you're here."

"I'm glad I'm here, too," I smiled. Zuko sat down beside me on the grass.

"And thank you for giving me time to think."

"I didn't want to rush you. Breakups are hard."

Zuko smiled.

"And I think... I think I'm ready. If you are, I mean."

I put my hand on his. "I was just waiting for you," I said. "And thank you, too."

"For what?"

"For remembering me."

"I don't think I could ever forget you," he said with a smile, turning his hand around so that it joined with mine.

I knew I was leaning closer this time.  And he was, too.  He put his hand on my cheek as our lips touched, and this kiss lasted longer than any of the others had.  It was nice.  It was what I had been waiting for.

"You're not gonna run away this time, are you?" I asked with a smile.  We were still close enough to touch.

"Not this time," he said quietly.  

And then he kissed me again, allowing me to put my hand on his cheek and lean into the kiss further.

"Lunch is 一 oh, sorry," said a voice from the bridge.  The moment was immediately over when she started talking.

"I'll just, um, come back," Katara said, turning around to go back inside.

"No, it's okay, Katara," I said, finding it kind of funny.  I don't think Zuko thought the same, because he was blushing embarrassedly. "What is it?" 

"Well, lunch is ready, um, whenever you decide to come in."

"Yeah, we're coming," I said.  "In the east dining room?"

Katara nodded, smiled, and walked back inside. 

Zuko and I looked at each other awkwardly, but in conversation, before walking back inside and to lunch.   The same looks were thrown all throughout the meal, we would look at each other just because and we would catch the other's eye, because they had decided to look over too.

It was a little awkward.  But then again, we were both only seventeen.  And I know I waited a long time for this.  Zuko probably had, too, only he didn't know it.

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"You know, Jin," he said, as we sat on the balcony of his bedroom that night, "I thought about you a lot.  But no one knew, really except my uncle.  When I left the kiss the first night, it was because I didn't want to get attached.  But that ended up happening anyway."

"Well, good," I replied, looking out at the dark navy sky and the clouds with silver linings illuminated by the moon.  "If you hadn't gotten attached, maybe I wouldn't even be here.  And I thought about you a lot, too."

"I'm glad you gave me time," he said, looking back at my face.  I did the same, watching his features reflect in the moonlight.

"I'd give you as much time as you need."

It was quiet as we turned back the view over the balcony.  There was so much I didn't know about him, and yet all the feelings were still there.  Even if he was partially a mystery to me.  I knew someday I'd figure those things out, whenever he felt like sharing.  But the only thing I found myself wondering about tonight was his scar.  The scar I knew him by from the poster.

And I found myself looking at him, because the scarred side of his face was toward me, but he still looked out into the dark sky.

"You're wondering how I got it, aren't you?"

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗜𝗧𝗬 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟 | zukoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang