Part 2

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They were all fed the pills again and were segregated into smaller rooms of a long hallway. Barnacles on the corners and parts of the walls, and the doors were made of stone slabs meant to be pushed aside and back. It was very inefficient to someone who's used to hinges, but then again, maybe the technology was backward but the magic was advanced. It wasn't as if Rose had been exposed to the lot of merfolk tech nor their society.

When humans were enslaved, the people were isolated to a honeycomb cave. It was like a prison. Rose felt it was the closest similarity. Food was given. There was a shower time. And some beddings were provided. Which were these ... slime blankets. It took some getting used to but Rose found it fine. Clothes were thankfully still on their person then but ... it was a recycle to what they wore when they were captured and the wet cloths provided. His fashion major contributed there at least. But you have to make do with what's available.

Rose lived like that for two and a half years until he was one of the selected people for the auction. He was prepped up to know the rules of being a slave. The do's and don't's, and how to address their masters. You can be used for mating, a commodity, a pet, a worker—all kinds of things as long as they owned you. To be this humble servant, or else you'll get punished. And Rose wasn't about wanting to find out what they might be.

They were fed like before and made sure they didn't get sick or die. Although he heard some committed suicide. Something about dignity and whatnot, but Rose liked living very much. Hence, he thought his current life was pretty decent despite being treated as lesser. Besides, with his home wiped from existence, it wasn't like there was anything better to do. The whole world was a hundred percent water.

Further, he was more curious than frightened. How can he be scared when doesn't even know what to expect? Besides, the point of being a slave is to do what they were told to do. So he was assured that he'd at least be alive. Otherwise, the merfolk could've just let mankind cease to exist and kill them years ago. Underwater, they were useless. More useless than a regular fish.

Rose couldn't help smiling a bit. He used to have a pet fish and he always thought that dogs or cats were better companions because you can interact with them more. So fish was useless in comparison because they always tend to run away from your touch. Only there to be admired and ... well, care for. And now he becomes a fish.

The grinding motion of the rock door closing took him out of his stupor. He didn't realize his master already came in, so he straightened his posture. And covered his bits of course.

He let the people talk amongst themselves ... There were a lot of bubbles and barely any words. Rose was taken by surprise since he only heard English thus far. Why did he think it would be a universal language among merfolk? Just like humans, many languages were spoken. This shouldn't be different. Thinking like this, Rose calmed and became a decoration in the room.


"I didn't think that your highness would be interested in purchasing a slave. Had I known, I would've delivered my best ones to you at the palace rather than making you come all the way here."

"No need." The third prince, Arial Narrow, was a merman of few words. Though they were straight to the point.

One of the staff sellers, Ergan, a humanoid tuna, felt his scales shed from nervousness. "Ah, yes, then here is the documentation for your new slave." It was hard to say much of anything else from being gazed with a cold piercing stare. The kelp in his hand couldn't help but shake a bit and his smile twitched and stiffened.

Ergan heard the rumours that the third prince was the least favoured by the king due to their unambitious attitude. Cold and distant, there weren't even many who knew what the third prince looked like. On the other hand, the first and second princes were well-known, and though unspoken, were constantly fighting for the throne. So it was only because of the royal insignia did Ergan realize who he was talking to.

AtlantisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora