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"It's nice to finally meet you, Nemi."




The wind blows, whistling around the two bodies stood still on the street, and one has to wonder how exactly someone is supposed to react to being told their soulmate is actually the very same person they've been pining for in secret since the day they met.

What do you do if you're said soulmate who's now had to deliver the news?

Giyu's not exactly sure what he expected coming here, really if he thinks about it he was just hoping Sanemi didn't reject him. Though as he looks up from his seat on the curb, staring at where his soulmate's feet are frozen to the pavement, he winces. At least this is better than him running away?

He really doesn't know which is worse in all honesty.

A sickly, anxious feeling settles itself uncomfortably at the bottom of his stomach as he watches Sanemi stare at him, his gaze intense and piercing. He's breathing heavily, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face.

Giyu wants to say something, but he doesn't know what else he should do. Should he try to explain himself? That he wasn't aware of who he was either and that he would've told him if he knew? His mind won't supply him any answers, blank save for the little voice in the very back of his brain reminding him of how good-looking his soulmate really is.

His mind flashes back to the night of Mitsuri's party, except now instead of being upset he just feels flustered.

"Holy fucking shit." He hears Sanemi curse suddenly, and he flinches at the suddenness of it, still not knowing if that's a good or bad reaction. He turns back to see Sanemi shake his head a bit, still seemingly processing(and Giyu can't blame him, because in the time he's been waiting he hasn't been processing it well either.)

He opens his mouth to speak, but before a word can escape him Sanemi is moving the few steps towards him, plopping down onto the curb next to Giyu with a quiet 'thump.'

He flinches again, not sure exactly what's going on, but deciding he probably shouldn't speak until Sanemi is ready. And by the way he stares off silently at the parking lot in front of them, his eyes wide in surprise and seemingly lost in thought, Giyu knows he's definitely not fully ready to have this talk.

Still, the silence taunts him, and he fiddles with his hands. He feels extremely awkward.  Awkward and afraid of what Sanemi will say when he speaks again. Will he be disappointed? Mad? What even is their situation now? He stares at Sanemi as his head swims with anxious thoughts, his silver hair shining under the clear starry sky. He's afraid, yes, and the feelings of guilt and disgust at himself remain, but he can't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him. Sanemi is everything he loves wrapped up into one whole person, and with hope he'll still feel the same way about Giyu after this disaster.

They sit there for a while, silent save for the anxious shuffle of their clothing as they shift, but before long Giyu is startled again by a loud groan, flinching violently as Sanemi practically throws himself back against the pavement, laying on the ground with his arms covering his face. Confused, Giyu turns, leaning down to look at him, and he grows flushed as he notices the faint red tint glowing out from under his arms.

"I'm so fucking stupid." Sanemi exhales, sounding exasperated as the words tumble from his lips, and he groans again, moving his arms and replacing them with his hands, digging his palm into his face and rubbing his eyes.

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