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Something to know about Sanemi Shinazugawa is that he wouldn't have nearly as many friends as he does if it weren't for the persistence of said friends.

Somehow he managed to find people who were so insistent that he be their friend that they wouldn't leave him alone, and while he'll never say it aloud, he's thankful for that insistence.

Masachika Kumeno was the first. When Sanemi was younger, his family had lived in a small neighborhood. Masachika had been his neighbor, as well as his best friend since diapers.

Their mothers were friends, and looking back now, Sanemi has Shizu to thank for Masachika, because he probably would've never gone and sought the boy out alone.

Now, standing outside of some hidden little cafe, Sanemi wishes maybe he'd just stopped talking to Masachika after he moved away. He knew what awaited him inside, and the line of questioning he'd have to endure.
Maybe he should just run, call Masachika and take a rain check because he's sick.

He technically wouldn't be lying, he's still hungover from the night before, but of course he stopped drinking earlier in the night, so all he was left with was a headache.

But he doesn't turn around, and he doesn't fake sick, instead he takes a deep breath, opening the door to the small corner cafe and stepping inside. A bell rings above him, and he almost immediately catches sight of his childhood friend.

Sitting in a small booth, Masachika smiles happily as Sanemi walks in.
"NEMI!!" He shouts, catching the attention of the few other patrons in the store.

Groaning silently to himself, Sanemi feels his shoulders sag, and he drags himself to the booth where Masachika sat. He drops into the seat across from his friend, who slides him a cup of coffee.

"I got your favoriiiite~" Masachika sings, and maybe there was a reason he kept the annoying bastard around.

"Thanks..." he mumbles, his head still pounding. He picks up the warm cup and lifts it to his mouth, taking a sip as Masachika sighs happily.

"Your bike is finished, so after we're done here I'll take you over to the garage and you can just ride it home." Masachika says, and Sanemi can't help but smile.

He swallows down his coffee, letting out a breath.
"Thanks." He says again, this time clearer.

Masachika snickers, putting his chin in his hand and leaning forward.
"So how was your wild night? Meet anyone knew?" He asks, and Sanemi scoffs.

"For once? Yeah actually. Mitsuri invited some people from the next town over, don't ask me how she knew them."

Masachika's eyes go wide, and his smile grows.
"Wait really?! Tell me about them!!" He practically shouts, and Sanemi rolls his eyes.

Thinking back to the night prior, he tries to think of ways to describe the three weirdos he'd met. Humming, he frowns, his brows furrowing.
"Well there was Kocho. She was like the leader of the three I guess, pulling the other two around her like children. She's fucking evil, I'm telling you, you should've heard the way she talked. I swear I thought I was gonna die." He says, and Masachika laughs, like somehow this real life demon he's describing is funny.

Sighing, he continues, taking another sip of coffee.
"Then there was her little helper minion Urokodaki. He followed her around like a puppy, it was disgusting." Sanemi rolls his eyes, thinking back. Sure, they weren't dating, but damn if it wasn't clear how much they wanted to be.

Scoffing, he continued.
"And of course when he wasn't with Kocho he was fucking around with Tengen and Kyojuro. I swear to god if I have to deal with his smug ass now too I might just have to jump over a bridge."

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