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The sticky warm air inside the karaoke place was a stark contrast to the freezing cold air of the night. Giyu frowned as Sabito practically dragged him through the glass double doors, Shinobu happily skipping along in front of them.

The lobby of the building was dim, the walls a dark blue color. Fluorescent green and blue lights shone above them, and a desk sat between two hallways of doors.

Shinobu walked to the desk, where a tired looking teenage girl sat. Shinobu giggled, but it wasn't genuine, and Giyu felt the anxious knot in his stomach grow tighter.

"Excuse me, what room was reserved for Mitsuri Kanroji?" She asked, her voice a sickly sweet.

Sabito snickered above him, and Giyu sighed. He always somehow found humor in Shinobu's fake nice persona, whereas Giyu found it to be utterly terrifying.

The teen behind the counter didn't seem affected by her fake front though, pointing down the right hallway, quietly telling Shinobu the room number before turning back to her phone.
Shinobu just nodded, not saying another word as she turned and walked down the hallway.

Giyu hadn't heard the answer, so he just let himself get dragged around like a rag doll. Sabito pulled him along, each door they passed strangely silent. He assumed the walls were sound proof, it would explain why there was barely any noise.

Either that or this place wasn't all that popular.

The hallway was a similar blue hue as the lobby. Each door was steel, and had a gold number painted on them. Shinobu walked to the last door on the left, room 7.
She didn't bother knocking, instead pushing the handle and opening the heavy door as best she could.

The first thing Giyu noticed was how loud the room was. He was blasted with noise as the door swung open, blinking slowly as Sabito pulled him inside.
The room was brightly lit, nothing like the cool blue hues of the hallway. The lights above were bright red and pink, and there was a small stage in the corner of the room. A couch sat in front of the stage, and Giyu noticed the people crowded around that area.

Two people stood on stage, laughing through most of their song. One built like a body builder, and Giyu was almost taken aback by how big his arms looked. The other man was much smaller than the first, but still quite large. His hair was a bright shade of yellow with red tips, his eyes open wide and matching.
On the couch sat two other men, booing their friends on stage. One was short, and Giyu couldn't see his face because his back was turned.

The other man was the same, but Giyu immediately noticed his striking, soft looking white hair.

He doesn't really get the time to study them anymore than that though, as his thoughts are interrupted by a loud squeal.
Turning to the other side of the room, the first thing he notices is a bright haired girl waving at them. She's standing at one of two tables, sipping on a beer and practically beaming at them.

Shinobu seems to recognize her, and Giyu thinks that she's probably the Mitsuri Kanroji from before.

The girl practically sprints to Shinobu, crushing her in a hug. Shinobu let's it happen, laughing as the pink haired girl jumps lightly on the balls of her feet.

As they separate, the girl turns and looks at Sabito and Giyu, smiling even wider as they come into her view.
"Ahh!! You must be Sabito and Giyu!! Shinobu-chan talks about you all the time!!" The girl shouts, and Shinobu rolls her eyes.

Wasting Your Love on Me(Sanegiyuu)Where stories live. Discover now