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Sitting in the same old coffee shop with Sabito, Shinobu, and a cup of coffee was always relaxing.

Or, at least it should've been.

But instead of the friendly, warm atmosphere Giyu remembers and loves, he feels himself trapped in an uncomfortable little box of tension. Shinobu sits across from him, her smile not reaching her eyes.

The air between them is thick, and Giyu shifts uncomfortably, trying and failing to catch her eyes as they stay trained on the tea cup in her hands.

Giyu can see Sabito over her shoulder, leaning against the order counter and flirting with the barista making his coffee. She's pretty, and she seems to like Sabito, which is almost always enough for him to shoot his shot.

Shinobu tenses in her seat as the barista laughs audibly at something Sabito says, and Giyu shoots her a sympathetic look, which she misses. Giyu notices how tightly she's gripping her tea cup, and he's surprised it hasn't shattered in her hand.

Giyu could be an airhead at times, he knew that, but he definitely wasn't ignorant to the world around him. He knew exactly what was wrong, and why Shinobu seemed to be fighting back a broken, angry frown.

Yeah, Giyu had known about Shinobu's attraction to Sabito for a long time, since highschool actually, although he'd never brought it up with her.

She was never easy to fall, so it was really a mystery to Giyu as to why it'd been Sabito, someone who always seemed to make her so angry, so far outside what he had assumed her type was.
But the fact of the matter was that she liked him, maybe even loved him, and not once had Giyu seen her interested in anyone other than Sabito in all their years of friendship.

Not even her soulmate.

Although maybe that wasn't a fair comparison, as she'd never actually reached out to her soulmate.

She claimed she was "too busy" for a soulmate, always saying that's why she'd never once tried speaking to them, but Giyu had a suspicion that maybe it was just because she liked Sabito a little too much for her own good.

Watching Sabito smirk at the barista and presumably deliver some cheesy line that made her blush, Giyu cringed, and he was suddenly very happy Shinobu was facing the other way.

Sabito had also never cared about his soulmate. They'd never reached out to him before, and he never saw the point, letting his heart(or, really, his dick) lead him to any available person he thought was interesting enough to spend his time on.

Sabito liked to play by his own rules, never cared much for authority and fate.

Maybe thats's why Shinobu liked him.

But that was that. Shinobu didn't need hers(at least according to her) and Sabito just didn't care. Maybe they'd make the perfect couple in that way.

Giyu turned his eyes back to Shinobu, holding his breath as she closed her eyes, her dark eyelashes contrasting her porcelain skin. She looked to be counting to ten.
The barista laughed again, Shinobu barely flinched, and Giyu kept watching her.

He could explain this. Sabito was a fuckboy, self admittedly, and he thrived off his lifestyle. Shinobu was a girl with a crush, one that had spanned an indefinite amount of time and would probably continue to for a while more.

It was simple in his head.

But there was something Giyu couldn't explain. He couldn't understand how angry Shinobu seemed whenever Sabito would go on about one of his millions of dates, never leaving out the juicy details that neither Giyu nor her cared for.

Wasting Your Love on Me(Sanegiyuu)Where stories live. Discover now