8. Business

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Walking into the huge closet Theodore gave me, I head over to the endless racks of clothing. I find a pair of blue ripped jeans and a black sweatshirt. Throwing the clothes on I see a shoe wall to my left and decide to take a look.

I grab a pair of Air Forces and go search for some socks.

After getting dressed, I go into the bathroom and run my fingers through my thick curls. My hair is so hard to manage, especially since it's down my back.

I pull half my hair up in a tight ponytail and let the rest flow down my back. Looking in the mirror I decide to put on some light makeup, I still don't know what we're doing but I don't wanna look like shit.

Looking through the drawers of the vanity I find some mascara, a few eyeshadow pallets, and some lip gloss.

I quickly brush out my brows and I coat my thick lashes in the mascara and slap on a nice layer of the shimmery pink gloss.

Spraying some random perfume Theodore has on the counter I head over to the nightstand and grab my phone and wallet.

Damn, guess I forgot to grab my gun before leaving the house last night. Papa would've killed me if I came home this morning without having brought a gun with me.

I may not look like much to outsiders but those in our family know that Papa has trained me since I was young. I never went on any missions or anything like that but he made sure I could defend myself against enemies.

Papa grew up watching my Nonno, he was a powerful and strong man. My father wanted to make sure that I would always be strong and be able to hold my own. The boys should be starting their training soon since they turn 7 in about 2 months.

I started my training at 8 but Papa wanted the boys to start a year earlier since they're males. Either Romano or Emilio will be taking over the family business. In our family it isn't about the first born, it's about the males.

I'm also a part of the family heir but Papa and Mamma told me that I couldn't lead the mafia. Not that I wanted to be a part of this fucked up business anyway.

Walking out of my bedroom I see Theodore leaving his office, turning towards me he signals for me to come to him.

As I make my way towards Theodore, he looks over the banister and starts talking to someone.

"Eh Antonio! Go get the car." He orders the man below us.

"Nai," Antonio nods.


"Let's get going Vittoria, I've got places to be." Theodore says as he begins walking down the steps.

Trudging after him, I start playing with the sleeves of my shirt. I don't feel like going out right now. I just want to stay upstairs in my room and not talk to anyone except Zarina.

Once Theodore and I get outside, the same black truck from last night pulls up and a tall dark skinned man hops out the drivers seat.

"Boss," the man smirks at Theodore.

"Oh fuck off Lance," Theodore laughs shaking the mans hand.

"Vittoria, this is Lance. Lance Vittoria. I've known him since we were kids." Theodore says facing me.

"It's a pleasure Vittoria," Lance smiles leaning forward to kiss my hand.

I blush profusely at his straightforward behavior. I'm not used to men showing me attention. Papa didn't allow for many of our men to speak to Mamma and I. We mainly communicated with the women, and Papas most inner circle.

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