2. Corny Cartoon Supervillans

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Refresher guide on characters below if you've forgotten lmao.

Song: Devil I Know - Allie X




I didn't move as they stopped their journey directly behind me.

I clutched the knife with all my might, preparing to go on the attack if needed.

"Long time no see, Sunshine."


I was breathless when I returned to the apartment, completely rattled to the core from the intrusion of the unsettlingly familiar face.

Seeing Silver again was at the bottom of my to-do list.

My shaking hand took the doorknob but I didn't turn it straight away, I needed to get a grip on my churning emotions before I walked in.

I didn't want a fuss made about me inside, God only knows how much they did that anyway.

I was treated more like fragile glass than a highly trained assassin and even though I knew it came out of a good place, at times it could be incredibly belittling.

When I had my breathing under control, I shoved my keys in the door and pushed myself inside.

The living room which was usually filled with light at this time was completely dark, the blackout curtains not yet drawn back from the night and the lights still off.

Odd, I thought, At this time they should be awake.

It didn't take long for me to figure out what was going on when a lamp was flicked on and A person sat splayed outwards in his chair like some corny cartoon supervillain.

"Hello Adelaide," He drawled, drawing his fingers together in a pyramid shape over his lap.

All he was missing was a cat sitting on his knee.

I let out a sigh, softly closing the door behind me and making sure to keep my eye on the sniper in front of me.

No matter how childish he often acted he was much stealthier than the average person would think.


My hand snaked to the side where I knew the main light switch was and didn't hesitate in snapping it on, giving Malcolm a glare and a scowl as I made my way to the kitchen.

I had done absolutely nothing wrong.

He childishly tsked in annoyance as I didn't spare him another word and followed me into the kitchen, plopping himself down on one of the stools and taking his phone out.

I made quick work of making coffee, taking three mugs out and preparing it to everyone's taste.

"Zahid?" I asked, putting most of my concentration on pouring the scalding hot water into the mugs.

Malcolm made some incoherent noises before he finally answered, "Showering, I think."

I glanced up at him as he pushed his hair back, his eyebrows furrowing as he concentrated on something on his phone.

After my escape from Silver's house, I found myself wandering the streets of New York with Jaekyung's words echoing in my head.

I found an ATM taking out enough money to buy plenty of duffel bags and took a beeline to the bank, taking out all the money that I had earned with Romano which had earned me many questions by the bank as to why I wanted to take such a large sum of money out and in cash nonetheless.

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