Im Coming

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I stared, glued to the spot, as my friend was rattled, like an aggressive kid with their new fish in a bag, but the kid is actually a large giant, and my friend is the innocent fish.
My eyes agape. It felt as if my feet weren't connected to my brain. I could see my shaky breaths in the cold, dense air. Madeline wasn't even making any noise while her body was flopped around like a rag doll. I could see her breath escape her mouth, but each shake the foul giant made, the less breath was released. I could see Madeline try to make noise, but her words were lost. I could almost feel what was happening to her; like being winded over and over. For me though, that was my heart rattling in a cage about to break free from my chest.
Then I heard something. No more then I bare whisper. "Alora."
A salty tear prickled my eye... Madeline. Courage swelled like a raging storm, ripping from my heart.
"I'm coming!" I screamed, as the wind whipped my words, weaving them through the trunks of the trees.
My feet tore from the ground.

I'm coming.

I screamed, I kicked, I threw anything that came to my grasp. Nothing stopped the giant, who was as tall as a two-storey house, and hands that could easily wrap around a limp girl.
When he smirked, rotten yellow teeth would show. He looked almost eager. As if waiting for Madeline to... to... die.
The night's darkness swelled my vision. What do I do?
That's when I saw it: a rock, as large as my hand. Without any thinking, I threw it at the giants head. He stopped shaking Madeline. He still held her though. She wasn't moving. She looked like a beautiful rose that had suddenly drooped. He opened his hand and let the girl drop three metres to the woods' floor.
"Madeline!" I screamed.
The giant suddenly glared at me. His eye twitched, and his smirk climbed his face.
"'Ello there." The giant said slyly. His voice sent shivers up my spine, as if a snake were slithering up, with nails instead of scales. My eyes widened. All bravery fluttering away. He started to stomp over to me, looking at me like a kid on Christmas with there new favourite toy.
I tried to step away, but a tree found my back first. Each step he took shook the earth. My legs almost buckling. I have to be brave. For Madeline. I'll come back for her. Turning my back I began to run. I made only four paces when the giant plucked me from my position. I scrabbled for a branch, but I just couldn't reach. For a split second, a glimpse of Madeline, on her back, came to my sight.

I'm coming. I promise.

All fear turned to anger. How dare this giant do this? How could he throw my friend like that? Why us? I glared at the... The Beast ferociously. The Beast laughed. A laugh like a thunder rumble. I winced as his gnarled fingers with chipped, yellowed nails stroked my fine, black raven hair.
"If I shave this off, it could make a nice pasta." The Beast expressed his laughter once more. His sour breath made me want to gag. I tried as much as I could, to wriggle free of his grip, trying to avoid the daunting distance between me, and the ground. "I could make some fine meatballs from the rest of ya'" he scratched his chin which was scattered with warts, and crinkled his long, pointed nose, "But it might take some time to brown ya' up with how pale ya' are." The Beast describes me being born pale as if it were some sort of sin. As if I was taking up his time having to cook a few minutes more then his normal meals! Well it didn't matter, because he won't be cooking me today. I have a friend to get to, and a barbarian to escape from. That didn't catch his thoughts clearly, because he took one large step, then another.
'Stay put' I thought to Madeline.
Any tree that was in his way toppled to the ground. As if bowing permanently to their king. I was finding it hard to find a way free from his grip: my hands were locked by my side. It was difficult to breathe, and my hands were jabbing in the side of my thighs. My fists balled. I tried wiggling and squirming. But that only made his gruff hands close tighter. With a bit of slow fidgeting however, I was able to free my hands. Space beside me freed up, and a fresh slice of air flowed through me.
The sight of my dearest Madeline, sprawled on the floor, was almost out of sight. 'Don't worry'  I want to tell her, 'I'll be back. I'm coming.'
The Beast has turned me around to face away from him, and because I am held at a low branch height, and the Beast has me facing forwards, the wicked branch leaves keep scratching me. That gives me an idea; a branch, almost held to the tree by a thread, loomed ahead. If I time this right, I could wiggle to face him, and when we get to the branch, I could pull it free and thwack the Beast on his bald, cracking head.
Carefully, and as stealthily as possible, I turned myself to face the neck of the Beast. Looking on a slight angle, I waited for the branch and - there it is! I tore it free, and as quick as possible whacked the Beast on his head. Right by his temple. The Beast dropped to his knees, midway dropping me so he could aid his head.
I fortunately didn't drop far, and was able to brush myself off while the Beast knelt, hands clasped to his head. He turned on time to see me running away.
"'Ay. Get back 'ere." He yelled.
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Tripping over brambles and thorns. I had no time to fall. All of a sudden I stumbled, as an earth shaking quake erupted. He was to his feet. The noise of trees cracking and creaking filled the silent void of the woods. He's coming.
It didn't take much longer to get to where we begun. To Madeline. Tears started tumbling down my face, blurring my vision. I crumpled to floor next to Madeline.
"Madeline." I hiccuped.
Her eyes weakly opened. Madeline almost achieved a smile. "Alora,"
She suddenly felt weightless. As if your soul holds your weight. 
"No." I whispered, "NO!" I couldn't help but to scream it.
I was too late.
I cradled Madeline in my arms, stroking the top of her once silky brown hair.

The Beast came crashing into the clearing.
"Leave us alone!" I chocked, "I need to help her! Just go away! Leave us alone, please!" I wrapped my arms underneath Madeline's arms, like backpack straps, trying to pull her away.
I got to the edge of the clearing, when the giant came barging over. His wretched smirk revealing agin. I hugged Madeline tight. Clutching her to my heart.
The giant raised his car sized foot. Looming above our heads. A tear trickled down my cheek, landing on Madeline's head.
"Don't worry Maddie," I whispered in her ear, "I'm coming."

-Sophie Rose

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