Ch 20/Finale. Vessel of Fomortiis

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Fomortiis notices that the black hole hasn't an effect on me. He stops the black hole and I begin to run around him. He then moves his left hand and let out a dark beam. I dodge it, but it hits the wall behind me, and rubble starts falling on me. I let out a groan because of the pain and begin to run again.

"When do you notice you can't beat me?" Fomortiis chuckles.

I start thinking a way to defeat him. Maybe there is a way to make him unconscious? What if I punch him so hard that he will be unconscious? Only problem is that the chance of him getting knocked out by it is really low. Maybe if there is a more effective to... wait.

Fomortiis then summon some dark purple slime towards me. I got hit and got slow down by it. I begin to switch out the Devil Breaker I want to use.

"You know what? I am done with the warm-up."

Fomortiis then uses his telekinesis power to lift me up and start strangling me. I let out painful noises. He then floats me towards me.

"Was fun while it lasted, but I am bored now."

He begins to strangle me harder. I begin to scream. I look at Fomortiis face. He's smiling maliciously at me. He probably thinks he already won against me, but he is wrong.

"Y/N... I will get you back."

I begin to charge my Devil Breaker, Atrocity. I can't believe after all this time Nico's invention safes me. I feel that the Devil Breaker is all charged up. I begin to move my right arm with all my might, trying to reach Fomortiis.

"I think you missed one important thing." I let out a chuckle.

He gives me a questionable look before I punch him in his face. He falls back and I fall on the ground. I want towards his body and inspect it. He's only breathing softly, meaning he is unconscious.

"Thank to lords."

I pick up Y/N body and look at him.

"Stay strong Y/N. You will be back to his in no time." I say to him with a smile.


I look around me, but there is nothing but emptiness. I only see a void that changes colors now and again. I walk around the place, but I can't feel that I'm walking. Not only that, but there is also no floor to walk on, yet I can walk.

In the distance I see something. I run towards it and see two silhouettes; one is sitting down and another one is lying down. I keep running and see that those two silhouettes are in a room. I approach the room and see that it is familiar to me. It's my bedroom. I continue running towards it and see a white hear guy, Nero.


I run towards him and scream his name, but he doesn't hear me and continue to look at the person lying down. After a while I reach him. Then, when I look over his shoulder, I see who he's looking at. It's me.

"How in the..."

I look at myself. My eyes are closed, and it looks like I'm asleep. Nero is holding my hand and gently cress it. I walk towards him and tries to touch his shoulder, but my hand just went through his body, like I'm a ghost or something.

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